

雷·克罗克(Ray Kroc)创立了麦当劳(McDonalds)连锁餐厅或快餐连锁餐厅,是全球最受欢迎的连锁餐厅。根据不同的评论家和学者的说法,到目前为止,这家特定的连锁餐厅已经为大约4600万顾客提供了服务。他们在大约59个国家开展业务,通过这59个国家的近3万家食品店开展业务。该组织正在开展他们的业务,并试图为人民提供最优质的“食品服务”(尤努斯等,2013年)。接下来有关论文代写价格-麦当劳连锁餐厅分享如下:

Today, however, there are many fast food restaurant chains in the market, and at the same time, in the present time, people have also become very health conscious and they are always looking for a better or rather for a healthier alternative. Thus, surviving in this market has become little difficult for firms such as McDonalds. Therefore, this particular organization makes huge amount of investment for advertisement. It includes advertising their brand through various media such as the newspaper, radio and the televisions. The company has used various signage, and billboards to advertise their brand, along with it they have marketed their brand through various sports events as well. They have even sponsored many events as well. McDonalds, however, depends mostly on the services that are provided by them in various stores around the world (Harrington et al., 2017).
Operations carries out in McDonalds
The top management of McDonalds is responsible for making the operational management strategies for McDonalds. The operational management strategies are circulated among all the franchises and the branch managers of all the food outlets are aware of these strategies since it is being circulated among them in written form (Mondurailingam, Jeyaseelan and Subramani, 2015). The strategies have been adopted by the firm exist in three important forms and they all cater to make the customer satisfy with the services that are being provided to them. In order to satisfy the customers, the firm is also using improved information technology that is helping the firm to provide improve quality services to the customers (Sumaedi and Yarmen, 2015). In order to avoid unnecessary ordering, the stock control data system has turned out to be really helpful for the firm and the organization (Harrington et al., 2017). The particular information system has directly attached the stockrooms with the point of sale system and at the same time, it helps the manager of the organization, since they come to know about which particular thing is moving fast and how much more product is at all required here in this particular case (Lim and Loh, 2014).

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