


Being a global company in the automation sector, the corporate social responsibility of Toyota tends to be dealing with a number of stakeholders, perceiving their disparate demands and interests. These stakeholders are employees, customers, global and local communities, environment and investors. Toyota can be considered as a role model in the use of strategies of corporate social responsibility for the fulfilment of interests among stakeholders. The company should consider following a comprehensive approach of CSR for addressing each and every stakeholder, even though in link with a number of challenges.

Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd. is a British company manufacturing hybrid airships, a significantly improved technology of aircraft. All of the hybrids are known to be using both lighter-than-air and aerodynamics technology for the generation of lift, with the potential allowance of vehicle for staying aloft for a number of weeks (Wu, 2006). Any business strategy developed by an organization requires a detailed and thorough understanding about the external environment in which key operations are conducted by the organization. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is one such tool that helps in the creation of potential problems across the macro-environment. These problems appear to be having key implications for the business.

Toyota has been facing a number of effective in terms of external factors across the industrial environment that will be discussed by the analysis of five forces as mentioned by Porter. These external factors have been exerting forces over Toyota and further impact the overall business strategic direction (Lee et al., 2001). Even facing such challenges and issues as per the analysis of five forces, the company manages to stay on the top in the international automation industry. This success tends to be representing the ability of company for withstanding the negative forces across the external environmental setting. However, as depicted by the analysis of five force, the company should not stop its efforts of innovation for obtaining a competitive edge against other companies competing in the industry (Porter, 2008).

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