

變更管理被定義為公司為準備和支持個人接受和適應即將到來的變更而采取的具體方法。變革對任何公司來說都是一個不可或缺的方面,因為它被用來推動公司取得組織上的成功和成果。公司有自己的主觀變更管理模式,以滿足情況的需要。這些變更管理可分為三個階段。它是個體變更管理、主動性變更管理和企業變更管理。個人變更管理要求人們體驗變更並堅持項目的需要。重點是創建可操作的框架,為公司帶來個人的改變。變更管理的下一個層次是公司為在特定的團隊中引入變更而帶來的變更。這些必須是成功轉型的驅動因素,最後企業變革管理是關於企業核心競爭力的發展,以適應宏觀環境因素的需求。這些變更管理技術被發現依賴於公司的文化(Van de Ven, 2000)。這在中國公司和西方國家之間形成了鮮明的對比。在現代全球化的世界中,了解在該地區經營的不同公司之間開發變更管理技術的過程的啟發是非常必要的。在當今時代,每個公司都有很多問題需要處理。這些問題是區域特有的,某些問題是全球性的。下一節論文代寫價格-變更管理將對這些問題進行更詳細的討論。

The purpose of this analysis is to understand the change management techniques that are used by the companies in different global regions. In the Critical analysis of the change management, techniques are probed and recommendations for ways to infuse change in a better manner have been detailed in the following analysis. The management system of a company is defined as the organisation’s culture that encompasses the values and norms. All companies need to address five factors to sustain. They are Customer-Client Orientation. The companies need to maintain and foster customer relationships to sustain standards of Performance along with accountability of the process. The companies need to assign responsibilities for the people. Their must be continual development of entrepreneurship by the company to innovate and commit to the change. The companies need to find cohesive ways of planning and decision making. They need to address the corporate citizenship or the issues in social responsibilities (Tandem, 2005). These five factors are found to be based on the alignment of the companies between real and desired cultures. The company needs to have an appropriate change management that reflects upon the innate nature of the place to create cohesive solutions for growth. The companies need to find a balance between maintaining the innate culture and adapting to the culture models or social norms in different regions (Tandem, 2005).
In the past, many of the companies have found ways to sustain. However, there is a need to continually evaluate the change management process to ensure that the companies are competitive and sustainable in the markets. There is a lack in this development. There are a number of culture model theories and change management that is derived (Tandem, 2005). However, there is a gap in the generic theories and the actual implementation. There are unique problems that arise in each culture that impacts the operational process of the companies. The companies need to derive cohesive solution in order to promote all around growth and well-being. These have been detailed in this analysis.
The subsequent chapter will detail the impacts of the research design. The subsequent analysis will be done after the next chapter.

The research design that has been used for this analysis is qualitative analysis. The reasons for using qualitative analysis are that the researcher can use these designs and analyse comprehensively. The use of the research enables the people to understand the perspectives from a comprehensive view. The researcher can understand the specific variables and use it for further research purpose (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). The analysis that is done qualitatively is a case study approach. The case study approach has been used in this analysis. The case study is related to a report about the company. There is analysis of the company’s activities as a whole and the innate subjective issues that the companies face. These case studies are found to have relevance in variety of research streams. In the case study, there is analysis of the case that is being studied. The people are found to use the specific case to comprehend about the situation and derive meaningful solutions. There are many advantages to this case study approach. The companies can understand about the role of the specific activities that have been undertaken. By using case study approach, their can be in-depth analysis. It ensures that there is saving of time and resources in the process. There are many advantages of this approach and it makes researcher understand the ways in which the change management has been instilled in the companies’ purpose (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). However, there is a disadvantage of adding credibility to the data collation process. The researcher must ensure that there is bolstering of the facts by using the appropriate sources. Their can be infusion of the secondary research quantitative data to understand the situation as a whole. There is an overall growth and development in this process based on this ideology. Research needs to have certain ethical factors purpose (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). The ethical considerations that have been undertaken for these research findings have been detailed in the following.

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