

论文代写价格-巴西政府对红木生产者的征税分析。世界上最具吸引力和价值的木材之一是大红木。然而,巴西政府已经对每吨收获的红木的生产者征税。在经济学中,税收被认为是强加在个人身上的一种强制性的货币变化。如果个人不纳税,他或她将受到法律的惩罚(比尔德2015)。由于征税,需求和供给都减少了。这进而推动了价格均衡市场,该市场通常高于不征税时的价格,而其数量低于不征税时的价格。由于征税,福利也减少了(Auerbach和Smetters 2017)。配额用于对可向特定国家交易的全部进口产品的限制。尽管进口将受到限制,但国内供应商将受益(Schmitz, Haynes和Schmitz 2016)。

The imposition of quota leads to drop in imports from Q3 to Q2. It also leads to net welfare loss to the society that is illustrated by the shaded area. Quotas are inclined to lead to a larger drop in economic welfare as the government do not achieve any tax revenue.

Due to stigma associated with possessing mahogany, producers fear punishment and the consumption of mahogany products.

The association of stigma in turn affects the number of purchasers in the market that in turn affects the aggregate demand. Stigma mostly leads to unfair treatment of the individuals and the effects are harmful. With the decrease in the number of customers in the market, the demand for mahogany is also likely to decrease (Lannin et al. 2015). The graph shows that the demand shifts from D to D1 towards the left.

Mahogany products become desirable as consumers derive satisfaction from possessing illegal goods. As a result, the demand for the products will increase and shift towards the right. If customers have preference towards a product, the demand for that particular product increases (Ehrenberg and Smith 2016).

The graph shows that the demand for mahogany increases from D to D1 towards the right.

Since the Brazilian government significantly improved its monitoring of illegal harvesting, the price of resources also increased. This in turn led to increase in the cost of production thus lessening profits. The decrease in profit will lead to decrease in supply that will shift the supply curve towards the left.

If the demand for mahogany is inelastic, in that case an elevated tax will have a negligible impact on demand. As a result, it is imperative to reduce the demand for mahogany to reduce the harvesting. The reduction in demand leads to equilibrium quantity and augment in equilibrium price. Also termed as the demand reduction policy, it is the effort that is aimed to diminish the desire of the public for illegal products (Kagel and Roth 2016).

The drop in demand leads to an instantaneous decrease in the eagerness and aptitude of purchasers to acquire a good at the obtainable price that is depicted by a leftward shift of the demand curve. Similarly, the eagerness of the suppliers to sell mahogany will also reduce. It is also depicted by leftwards shift of the supply curve from S to S1.

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