


Elements of Effective Self-Management in the Workplace
At the workplace, it is highly essential to have a proper relationship between emotional intelligence and subject intelligence. In general, workplace exposes a person to teams where people with different backgrounds participate and contribute to the development of an organization. In such a case, self-motivation and awareness of oneself are important (Simanowitz and Pearce, 2003). I found the case of self-management initially difficult at the workplace as the emotions and moods were mixed. Therefore, there were alterations in the views of people towards goals and network building.
In due course of time, I was able to identify the key elements that can help in self-analysis and proper representation of oneself at the workplace.
1. Emotional control – It is essential to note the emotional setting of the environment and gel accordingly with others.
2. Self-motivation – This is the key to build successful and everlasting relationships with others.
3. Adaptability – As I exposed my flexibility towards different situations, I easily overtook obstacles and built a better portfolio before others.
Productive and rewarding one to one relationships
The workplace was totally demanding for rewarding one to one relationships that can enhance productivity and reduce employee turnover. If asked how I managed to be productive as a team, I proved the following skills.
1. Accountability – I have always been accountable to my team members and the duties assigned to me. This increases reliability and the trust among team members.
2. Communication – This is the key to every step of the team to establish productive relationships. I listen closely when someone speaks and then clarify those things that are unclear. Instead of entering into conflicts of interest, I made sure to understand other’s expectations and enter into effective communication.
3. Frequent evaluation of relationships – The most important method to ensure proper relationships is to take a look at the communication and activities frequently and understand the needs. Achieving an attitude of same wavelength is difficult but feasible. Such relationships develop only when there is an understanding between everyone and all gain the chances to express, forgive and communicate during the project period.
These points helped me to build long lasting relationships that are productive and rewarding to our personal and professional lives.

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