

華金和瑪麗科一起上大學。 Mariko以在空閒時間製作裝飾精美的婚禮請柬而聞名,Joaquin計劃在3個月內與他的未婚妻Sofia結婚。他接近Mariko製作婚禮請帖,並很高興為婚禮請帖工作。她甚至承諾要恢復一些設計和色彩理念。 Mariko給Joaquin提供了一些設計樣本,之後他選擇了第二個設計,並在周末之前訂購了75張婚禮請柬。但是由於一些限制,Mariko提前通知我,由於沒有空餘時間,她將無法完成工作。不過,她很快就通知說,下週一,也就是華金同意的周一凌晨,她將處理邀請函,而不是在周五之前製作。

關鍵問題在於確定華金和馬里科之間的這項合同的法律適用性。合同可以被定義為產生可以依法確認或執行的義務的協議。根據普通法,訂立合同涉及三個要素,即對價、訂立合同的意圖和協議(Treitel, 2003)。與這三個要素相一致的是,要約、協議、承諾、對價和法律同意是一個關鍵的對價。這些對於決定合同的法律執行力至關重要。任何合同的首要條件是每一個當事人都應達成協議。一般來說,要約由一方提出,另一方接受,即達成協議。為了確定雙方是否達成了協議,法院將提出客觀測試的申請(Hansmann, 2006)。


Joaquin and Mariko are attending the university together. Mariko is well known for her skills of making highly decorative invitations of wedding during her spare, and Joaquin has plans of marrying Sofia, his fiancée within the period of 3 months. He approaches Mariko for making the invitations of wedding and is delighted to work on the invitations. She even promises to revert back with some designs and ideas of colour. Mariko provides some sample designs to Joaquin, after which he selected the second design and requested an order of 75 wedding invitations by the weekend. However, due to some constraints, Mariko informs beforehand that she will not be finishing up the work due lacking of spare time. However, she soon informs that instead of making them by Friday, she will be working on the invitation next week, Monday early in the morning to which Joaquin agreed.

The key issue lies in determining the legal applicability of this contract between Joaquin and Mariko. Contract can be defined as the agreement that gives rise to obligations that can be recognized or enforced in terms of law. As per common law, there is an involvement of three essential factors for creating a contract that are consideration, intention of coming in a contract and agreement (Treitel, 2003). In alignment with these three components, there is a key consideration of offer, agreement, promise, consideration and legal consent. These are crucial for determining the legal enforceability of a contract. The initial requisite of any contract is that each and every party involved should be making an agreement. When speaking generally, there is an achievement of agreement when an offer is made by one party, the acceptance of which is done by the other party. In order to decide if an agreement has been reached by the parties, the courts will be making an application for an objective test (Hansmann, 2006).