


In our view, the student response at the event was grateful and cheerful because every student responded in positive and assured the organizers to apply for the university and also share the same information among their entire networks so other could also apply for the university. All the attendees actually welcomed the opportunity with great happiness. All attendees were seemed to be engaged full throughout the event because all asked so many meaningful questions during the event and all answers were given in proper way with facts and understanding.
If UNL, is supposed to held any kind of such events in future, our suggestion will be that it is important to have such events at more public place than university auditorium and also have the opportunity for attendees to have university visit so that they can be more attracted towards the university. Any such event also broadcast through live stream so the reach can be higher than expected. Before holding such event, there must be one small video for awareness about the university culture and environment throughout the social media that would help in gathering more crowd for the event as well as meaningful message will be among the people about university. This is because, it will help better than just having group discussion in some event. The reach through social media would be far better with lower cost than conducing event.
This event will surely have change in the university in terms of diversity and inclusion on UNL’s campus because the right message will be among the people and this will attract many students joining the university.
Overall, it can be summarized that the entire event was quite helpful in spreading the awareness about the diversity and inclusion of UNL among many thousands of people. This event will surely attract many students to join the university.

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