







  • 为豪华汽车提供最新的设计和技术

梅赛德斯在2014赢得了最佳发动机奖,并计划在未来设计非凡的混合动力发动机(柯比,G 2014)

  • 可持续发展主义,经济,和熟练的业务合作伙伴关系的主要焦点(戴姆勒)
  • 为了增加销售额而建立紧凑的模型。奔驰已建成400万多个紧凑型轿车,自1997(ketin,T 2015)。
  • 持续改进我们的质量管理体系和业务流程的有效性



The strategy is that the company achieves the cost minimization and has a competitive advantage of lower price than its competitors have. After detail, researches of marketing statistics and market response models have indorsed Mercedes to design its cars and execute highly effective and intensive marketing strategy that in chorus satisfies customer’s requirement and reduce marketing cost.

Product differentiation strategy

It means that making a corporate product, provision and image, which are different from its competitors and apply a strategy to gain the competitive benefit. Mercedes is famous for its unique designs and powerful trustworthy engines.

Mercedes conducts proper research, review of market and Market share partners, and then take a decision considering the customer database. Through researches, it has been easier for Mercedes to identify new designs. Enhanced technologies and trends, which are the few factors that reflect in the sales, advertisement has also been a major effective focus of the company.


  • Provide luxury automobiles with latest designs and technology
  • Mercedes won the best engine award in 2014 and plans to design extraordinary hybrid engines in future (Kirby, G 2014)
  • Sustainability, conservationism, economy and proficient business partnership the main focus (Daimler)
  • To build compact models in order to increase sales. Mercedes has built more than 4 million compact cars since 1997 (Ketin, T 2015).
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System and our business processes

To set standards in vehicles in terms of quality, safety and new emerging technology