


气候变化具有社会、环境、经济和政治影响。不可预测和恶劣的气候条件,干旱,洪水,海平面上升和快速的融雪是商业运作面临的主要气候变化挑战。在发展中国家,商业组织更加脆弱(Jakab, 2008)。气候变化以各种方式对生态系统和社会产生了重大影响。




Climate change has social, environmental, economic and the political effects. Unpredictable and severe weather conditions, droughts, floods, rising sea levels and rapid snowmelt are the main climate change challenges for the business operations. In developing countries, the business organizations are more vulnerable (Jakab, 2008). The climate change has created a significant on ecosystems and society in a variety of ways.

Climate change affects crop yields, alters rainfall, affects the health of the people, and causes changes to the forests and impacts the supply of energy. The main aim of the essay is to determine and evaluate the impact of climate changes on the power and energy industry. The main focus is on determining and evaluating the causes and effects of climate changes. It is very much important for the management team of the companies and governments to implement rules and policies to decrease the impact of climate change.