


此外,极端困难还面临着与第一层的高度全球化的供应商公司的正面竞争(Deng, 2014)。这些服务包括广告代理、酒店、保险、投资银行、塑料瓶、金属罐、加热和排气系统、汽车刹车、航空电子系统和航空发动机等多种服务和商品。随着中国经济实力和规模的不断扩大,其国内业务也在不断增长,包括国有企业和民营企业。美国企业从中国的机会主义对手那里所面临的竞争,最终得到了强劲的增长(Athreye和Kapur, 2009)。由于最近中国经济增长放缓,这些措施也更加紧迫。强劲的竞争水平不会影响外国公司在华开展业务的决定。

中国和几个新兴市场平台的业务快速增长,已开始抢占市场份额,并在各产业领域表现出色。该行业的主要全球挑战者包括中国东方航空公司(China Eastern Airlines Corp)、小米公司、大连万达集团(Dalian Wanda Group Co.)、中信集团(Citic Group)和阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)。这些企业似乎代表着即将到来的经济增长浪潮。中国的公司是最大的上市公司,其影响超过其他公司(Bernasconi-Osterwalder和Zhang, 2000)。尽管中国企业已开始展现出说服国际收购的主要经验,但许多企业仍处于学习的曲线上。因此,这些企业往往在竞争中落后。


In addition, extreme difficulties are faced in head-on competition with the highly globalized supplier companies of first tier (Deng, 2014). These include diverse services and goods such as advertising agencies, hotels, insurance, investment banks, plastic bottles, metal cans, heating and exhaust system, auto brake, avionics systems, and aero-engines. As the economy of China is growing in strength and size, its domestic businesses have been growing as well including state-owned enterprises and privately-owned enterprises. The competition faced by American business from their opportunistic counterparts of China has ended up growing strongly (Athreye and Kapur, 2009). These are also more pressing because of recently slowdown growth of economy in China. Robust level of competition will not affect the decision of foreign companies to do business in China.

The rapid growth of business in China and several emerging market platforms have started to seize shares in the market and outperform competitors across industrial sectors. The key global challengers identified in the industry include China Eastern Airlines Corp, Xiaomi Corp, Dalian Wanda Group Co., Citic Group, and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. These businesses appear to be representing the upcoming wave from growth of economy. The companies of China are biggest block listed while impacting more than anyone else (Bernasconi-Osterwalder and Zhang, 2000). While Chinese businesses have started to show major sophistication to persuade international acquisitions, a number of businesses are still on the curve of learning. As a result, these businesses tend to lag behind in the competitive scope.