


随着电子游戏质量和成本的不断提高,英国电子游戏行业的领导者们面临着越来越大的挑战。这使得该行业的组织在不断的创新和领导的压力下(Northouse, 2004)。即使在这种压力下,英国游戏产业仍将英国最好的创意与领先的技术结合在一起,创造出世界上出口最多的游戏。视频游戏行业系统内的领导力实践包括标准化、专制型、受控化、以利润为驱动的行为作为在组织中取得适当成果的手段(Polanyi, 1974)。最近,领导力学者提出了一种随机应变组织结果的途径。根据Uhl-Bien等人(2008),这一途径可以在一个独特的领导力模型中找到。一个可以在员工之间分享领导力的模型,它导致了规范性的不确定性,促进了共同目标和基本特征的创新(Rose, 2008)。人们认为,这与目前技术日益进步和复杂化的环境有很大的一致性。领导模式一直是自上而下和官僚主义产品的典范。对于一个以数字生产和实物生产为基础的经济体来说,这种模式非常有效。


所有领导的理论,他们采取了一个领导人的个人主义的看法,即使认为学校获得增加识别是领导传播。根据Hitt,(1998),世界正处于新经济时代的悬崖边缘,21世纪的公司面临着复杂的景观竞争,主要是通过技术和全球化的革命。更新的时代是在经济中,知识是一种重要的商品,快速的知识生产和创新对于一个组织的生存至关重要(Argyris et al., 1974)。英国的电子游戏行业也是如此。与这种变化相一致的是,大多数讨论都是在管理文献中讨论转型期组织所面临的挑战。尽管领导力仍然是决定公司是否会遇到这些问题的关键因素,但关于领导力模式的明确性质的讨论较少。根据Davenport(2001)的研究,很明显,旧的领导模式是为了处理非常明显的环境设定而制定的,因此,毫无疑问是与当代工作环境相关的,没有明确的替代出现。根据Osborn等人(2002)的观点,改变激进的领导力视角是超越传统观点的前提,即领导者的运作方式不仅是激进的,而且也是多样化的(Avery, 2004)。


The ever rising video games quality and costs associated with it have continued to challenge the leaders in video games industry of UK. This has made the organizations in the sector to be under constant pressure of innovating and leading (Northouse, 2004). Even after this pressure, the industry of UK Gaming blends the best British creativity at its best with leading technology to create the most leading games being exported across the world. Practices of leadership within the system of video gaming sector include standardization, being autocratic, controlled and behaviours driven through profit as the means to achieve appropriate outcomes in the organizations (Polanyi, 1974). Recently, scholars of leadership have provided that there is a pathway to improvise outcomes of organizations. According to Uhl-Bien et al, (2008), the pathway can be found in a distinct model of leadership. A model wherein the leadership can be shared between employees, it leads towards normative uncertainty, facilitation of mutual goals and foundational characteristics innovations (Rose, 2008). This is believed to have much congruence with the present environment of increasing technology and complications. The models of leadership have been paradigms of top-down and bureaucratic products. Such models are effective eminently for an economy having its basis over digital production and physical production as well.

All the theories of leadership are such that they have taken an individualistic view of leaders, even though a thought school obtaining increased recognition is that of leadership dispersal. In accordance to Hitt, (1998), the world is over the epoch precipice within the new economic age midst wherein 21st century companies are faces with a complicated landscape competition driven majorly through technological and globalization revolution. The newer age is on an economy, wherein knowledge is a key commodity and the rapid knowledge production and innovativeness is essential to survival of an organization (Argyris et al., 1974). This is also the case in the video games industry of UK. In consistency with such changes, most of the discussions have taken place in the literature of management with regard to challenges facing organizations in a world of transition. Despite this fact still that leadership is a key factor for whether companies will meet these issues, lesser discussion of explicit nature with regard to leadership models exist. According to Davenport (2001), it has become apparent that the old leadership model was formulated for dealing with very distinct circumstances set, and therefore is of contemporary work environment relevance questionably with no clear substitute coming along to take its position. According to Osborn et al., (2002), it has been argued that a change of radical perspective on leadership is required for going beyond traditional views acceptance as the perspective, wherein leaders are operating is not only different radically but also diverse (Avery, 2004).