留学 文书:研究方法


留学 文书:研究方法

对于研究的其他要素,有必要探讨二次研究的方法论。因为只有通过现有的初步研究才能找到获得某些要素的途径。本研究以文献资料、媒体文章及器物的形式进行档案研究,并利用之前进行的实证研究进行分析。考虑到道德因素是人民的政治立场,所以要保密。为了进行这项研究,事先得到了人们的同意。这是由同意书上的get signed consent完成的。有关场地的某些关键信息已提供给参与者,以便他们了解所提供的材料。参与者正在整理研究名称的书面记录,并向他们提供了联系方式。他们被告知可以随时撤销权限。在构建问题框架的同时,还努力确保员工的偏见不会渗透到所构建的问题中。调查发现,在这项特殊的调查中,大多数年轻人选择参加调查。
从调查结果中发现,大多数参与者并不记得历史上的确切事件,但对柏林墙有很多看法。采用定性研究与二级研究相结合的方法,从整体的角度来认识形势。该小组记录了街头艺术,并在此分析中探索艺术作品的细微差别。关于柏林墙的信息和见解是在一个非商业平台上收集的。即使支付了参观费用,在这个过程中也没有考虑到商业化的因素(sham, and Schmidt, 2007.)。这是在这个过程中得出的一个主要观察结果。街头艺术,涂鸦有着有趣的历史。众所周知,柏林墙被称为“死亡地带”。人们用这种艺术形式来阐明他们对人民政治议程的看法。这是用来表达人们的好恶的。

留学 文书:研究方法

For other elements of the research, there was a need to probe into the secondary research methodology. Since the access to certain elements could be found only through existing primary research. Archival research in the form of documents, media articles along with artifacts, empirical research that was conducted prior was used for this analysis. The ethical considerations that was considered was the political stances of the people, confidentiality was maintained. For the purpose of this research there was Prior consent obtained from the people. This was done by get signed consent in the consent form. Certain key information regarding the place was given to the participants to understand about the material they provide. The participants were aligning a written record of the research name, contact information was also provided to them. They were told that they can revoke their permissions anytime. While framing the questions efforts were taken to ensure that the bias of the employee did not seep through into the questions that were framed. It was found that for this particular survey a majority of young people choose to attend the survey.
It was found from this survey results that the majority of the participants do not remember the exact events in history, but had many perspectives about the Berlin wall. A combination of the primary qualitative research and secondary research has been used to understand about the situation from a holistic angle. The group documented the street art and the nuances of the artistic works were explored in this analysis. The information and insight about the Berlin wall was collected in a non-commercial platform. Even though payments were made to visit the place, there was no element of commercializing that was considered in this process (Feversham, and Schmidt, 2007.). This was a primary observation that was made in this process. The street art, Graffiti has an interesting history. It is a well known fact that the Berlin Wall was known as the “death strip”. People used this art form to elucidate their opinions about the politics agendas of the people. This was used to express the likes and dislikes of the people.