


首先,只是为了娱乐人们,数百万美元被付给职业运动员。最好的例子就是美国橄榄球联盟的球员。他们是收入最高的球员。一个运动员为他的球队赢得的胜利的数量被称为运动员的价值。运动员得到更多,因为他们的球迷的高意愿支付(Evens和Lefever, 2011)。这完全取决于消费者的需求。如果球迷购买门票的意愿很高,运动员的工资就会很高。玩家的主要动机是吸引大量的人,这样他们就可以为赞助商创造更多的收入。对于数量有限的游戏玩家来说,他们的收入是惊人的。例如,NBC橄榄球队的球员。他们通常一个赛季打24场比赛。大卫·贝克汉姆是体育史上收入最高的球员之一。他在第一场比赛中受了伤,但仍获得了一年2500万美元的报酬。这种不节约的支出可以用于更好的文明或解决一些特定的社会问题,如贫困,失业等(Evens and Lefever, 2011)。

第三,职业运动员的数量少于教师、消防队员、律师等。换句话说,职业运动员的劳动力市场比一个国家的任何其他劳动力市场都要小。越来越少的人有资格成为职业运动员。结果,他们得到了更高的工资。第四,职业运动员劳动力市场是一种双边垄断,并非完全竞争市场。双边垄断是垄断者(单一买方)和垄断者(单一卖方)的组合。在体育劳动力市场上,有大量的队伍和运动员。球员被组织成联盟并扮演垄断者的角色,而球队则被组织成一个联盟即垄断者。每隔几年,联盟官员和球员工会开会协商新的工资标准或其他问题(Evens and Lefever, 2011)。期望的产量取决于集团的议价能力。在讨价还价的游戏中,球员或工会试图提高收入水平,球队老板或管理层试图把工资压到MRP以下。在早期,工会并不盛行,球员受球队老板的摆布,他们的工资往往低于他们的生产力。


Firstly, just to entertain people, millions of dollars are being paid to Professional athletes. The best example is NFL football players. They are the highest paid players. The number of wins that an athlete generates for his team is known as an athlete’s value. Athletes’ are getting more because of the high willingness to pay by their fans (Evens and Lefever, 2011). It is all aboutconsumer’s demand. If the willingness of fans to buy tickets is high, athletes’ salaries will be large. Players’ main motive is to attract large number of people so that they can generate more revenue for their sponsors. For a limited number of games players are paid outrageously. For example, the players those are in NBC football team. They usually play 24 games in a season. One of the highest paid players in the history of sports is David Beckham. He got hurt in his first match but still was paid 25 million dollars for one year. This thriftless expenditure might be utilized for better civilization or to solve some specific problems of the society like poverty, unemployment etc (Evens and Lefever, 2011).

Thirdly, the professional athletes are less in number than teachers, firefighters, lawyers etc. In other words, the labour market for the professional athletes is smaller than any other labour market in a country. Less people are being qualified to become professional athletes. As a result, they end up getting higher wages.Fourthly, the labour market for professional athletes is a bilateral monopoly and not a perfectly competitive market. Bilateral monopoly is a combination of a monopolist (single buyer) and a monopolist (single seller). In a sport labour market, there are large number of teams and players. Players are organized into unions and act as monopolistic power, whereas teams are organized into a single league i.e. monopolist. Every few years, league officials and players union meet to negotiate a new salary scale or other issues (Evens and Lefever, 2011). The desired output depends on the bargaining power of the group. In the game of bargaining, players or union try to increase income level and team owners or management try to push wages below MRP. In early times, when unions were not prevailing, players were at the mercy of team owners and used to get low wages than their productivity.