
留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

Chipotle事件发生在2015年,当时45人在吃完一道菜后突然住院,后来发现这道菜中含有E。大肠杆菌是一种存在于人类肠道和其他动物体内的细菌(BBC新闻,2016)。这严重违反了Chipotle对员工的信任,显示了员工不负责任的行为,他们继续工作,却没有注意食品的成分和清洁。这样的事情发生的原因只有一个,那就是对外出就餐的不断渴望,以及这样的菜肴是诉诸于舌头,而忽略了对健康和胃的关注。全球化使文化相互依存,相互重叠,快餐现象从美国传入世界,并在很大程度上注入了外出就餐的欲望(Feldman, 2006)。这成为了一种如此强大的文化,以至于它已经成为一种规范,并已嵌入到世界各地人民的文化中。
大多数市民将其视为一种物质财富,并将其作为一种有价财产加以培育。外出就餐的文化当研究各种文化时,可以看到,它是非常不同的地区之间的差异。亚洲国家大多更尊重食物,因为他们认为食物是神圣的,是上帝的恩赐,因为食物只能维持一切,不能维持其他。欧洲和美国文化认为食物是一种商品,并理解它在任何地方都可以交易,因此与亚洲人相比,欧洲和美国文化对食物的尊重要少一些(Sassatelli, 2007)。因此,外出就餐是一种文化,并已融入许多国家的饮食文化。这种特殊的习惯被认为是与人们的社会身份建构相关联的(McDonagh和Prothero, 2005),更重要的是,像Chipotle这样的供应商利用这一点让人们可以使用它。

留学 论文代写:外出就餐文化

The Chipotle incident happened in 2015 when suddenly 45 people were hospitalised after eating a dish, which later was found to have traces of E.coli inside which is a bacteria found in human gut and other animals (BBC News, 2016). This is a serious breach of trust by Chipotle and displays the irresponsible behaviour of the staff to continue working without paying any attention to the ingredients and the cleanliness of food products. Such an incident has occurred due to one thing, which is the incessant desire of eating out and such dishes which are appealing to the tongue and discarding the concerns of health and stomach. Globalisation has made the culture interdependent and overlapping, such that the fast food phenomenon took from the US and made its way to the world and infused a desire for eating out in a big way (Feldman, 2006). This became a culture so strong that it has become a norm and has embedded itself in the culture of people across the world.
Most citizens see it as a material possession and nurture it as one of their priced possessions. The culture of eating out when studied of various culture it is seen that it is very different from region to region. Asian countries mostly has more respect for food as they consider it divine and a git of God since food sustains all and nothing else. European and US culture considers food as a commodity and understand that it is traded everywhere and hence have a little less respect compared to the Asians (Sassatelli, 2007). Thus, eating out is a culture and has become infused in the eating culture of many countries. This particular habit is considered to be attached with a social identity construction of the people (McDonagh and Prothero, 2005), and more so, the providers such as Chipotle takes advantage in making it available for people.