


Consulting is another ingredient of safeguarding everyone from all kinds of risks, where it consults with the relevant departments and authorities who inform beforehand on the possible risks and the service provider can decide appropriately to reduce the impact of such risks. Monitoring and reviewing the risks in the event or near to a hotel is important measures of treating risks so that they are not allowed to emerge from its origin and are faced head on to be mitigated. Monitoring and reviewing takes place by the service provider who considers all possibilities of risks that can take place (Visser and Ferreira, 2013). Furthermore, they infuse specific programs which when applied can make the risks disappear and the event can be successfully completed without the occurrence or resurgence of risks.
Treating risks comes with an extra baggage of selecting those risks which are potentially the most dangerous and are most likely to create crisis and disaster like situations for guests. This indicates that risks are to be treated by prioritizing their order of importance in terms of the extent of damage that it can create and the likelihood of its striking at an event. When these are prioritized, then the most threatening risks are treated with remedial actions throughout the event and the hospitality region, and the risks are thus attempted to be eliminated from arising at all. Risks are natural and are always a threat in any kind of situation, even though it is considered to be the most peaceful situation. Therefore, taking risks lightly is a self-destructive act and the service provider must not indulge into such lenient way of treating risks. Risks must be treated with appropriate associated remedial actions and it must also be taught and informed to the guests for their own safety, for in some cases there might be a requirement of guests to take care of themselves as the best safety mode (Wilks, Pendergast and Leggat, 2006). Thus, the treatment of risks is an important management exercise for all hospitality service providers and it must be a priority in all events, services, to meet the organisational objective of providing a risk free service in all situations and keeping crisis and disasters away from occurring.

Risks are a part of all service provisions and hospitality industry is also not separated from its association. Factors affecting the origin of risks can be either natural such as earthquakes, flash floods, forest fires, avalanche, etc. or man inspired such as terrorist attacks, kidnapping, political unrest, mob attack, etc. The factors that affect the origin of risks are to be analysed to have them eliminated in their capacity to impact the risks. The way the factors are handled directly impacts the risk likelihood and its impact. Risks must be prioritized according to their level of impact and then the most dangerous ones are to be treated head on by various methods and ways of eliminating them where the impacts are completely neutralised or eradicated from occurring.

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