


The failure that is being seen is not just a single wrong decision, but a series of wrong decisions which overlapped each other, and created an environment which was unable to accept the market demands and continue under the false belief of being able to control the market with its products and services. Thus, failure cannot be blamed alone on the failure of the market and the rapid change in customer demands, but the failure is also about the lack of leadership of the company to consider more options for reviving the company and moving to a more substantial situation where the losses reduce and profits are sustained. The response had been more impunative and extra-punative in case of Motorola and this made the identification of failure really hard, when it was easy. It also never reached a state where it could sustain its profits, let alone enhancing it progressively. Failure developed with one small decision and then trying to cover up the consequences of the bad decision, making more mistakes and not really focusing on the rectification of the failure, paying attention to the changing environment, listening to the customers, and making products accordingly.

The first turnaround strategy is to identify its own position in the market and assess the strengths and weaknesses, and then study the market demands and the anticipated demands of the future (Lenahan and Lenahan, 2006). This is most likely to solve half the problem when it is identified that the company is lacking something which needs to be developed, because the market demands it. This identification process through self-assessment in terms of financial, social, economic, and technological positioning could have made the firm realise its own strengths and weaknesses, and realise the next strategy to be followed to resolve the issue and deliver the rising demand.
The firm could have made a significant move, when there was a demand of realising the value of the spectrum it once owned for itself. The trading of spectrum would never have come into existence, and this decision was a failure which could have been realised after the self-assessment and taken third party advice about the anticipated value of the spectrum (Chicago magazine, 2014).

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