


有许多挑战一个RFID模块或子系统的实现在学校使用网络。郑et al(2013)和温斯坦et al(2005)讨论可能存在的挑战,因为安全与范围。在当前的时代已经有沟通渠道的增加。与不同的设备之间的通信通道的增加也有洪水的私人信息的人在数字领域。如果罪犯知道人们的私人信息,这将产生负面影响(郑等人,2013)。在为学校开发一个子系统与RFID网络,安全应该放在至关重要。

安全的重要性:总有一个迫切需要的安全与技术发展的每个阶段(Stoneburner,2001)。射频识别技术是利用SVG技术如果黑客可以显示整个建筑物内构建地图和定位对象。以前只有户外GPS是可能的这种现在可以提供与室内局部信息。添加的功能,这使得这项技术特别,就是它可以展示整个建筑地图没有任何可能违反安全(郑等人,2013)。学校应用RFID技术可以使用Wifi技术广泛使用来定位对象。然而在郑et al(2013)提出了可能有较小的安全漏洞的挑战,因为现有的功能。


There are many challenges for the implementation of an RFID module or subsystem for use in the school network. Zheng et al (2013) and Weinstein et al (2005) discuss how there could be challenges because of security and scope. In the current times there has been an increase in communication channels. With the increase in communication channels between the different devices there has also been a flooding of private information of people in the digital arena. If the criminals know the private information of people this will have negative ramifications (Zheng et al, 2013). In the context of developing a subsystem for a school network with RFID, security should be given utmost importance.

Significance of Security: There is always an imperative need for security with each phase of growth in technology (Stoneburner, 2001). RFID technology is utilizing the SVG technology which if hacked can show the entire building map and locate objects within the building. Previously only outdoor GPS was possible this can now provide with indoor localized information. The added functionality, which makes this technology special, is that it can showcase the entire building map without any possible breaches of security (Zheng et al, 2013). For a school application RFID technology can be made to use the Wifi technology that is widely available to locate objects. However at Zheng et al (2013) presents there might be lesser security breach challenges because of the existing functionality.