


美联储今年两次降低了对经济增长的预期,并在接下来的一年(2016年长)也做出了同样的表态。美联储提供的理由是,利率的变化可能会提高抵押贷款利率,信用卡债务和购车贷款可能会更贵(Wolfers, 2016)。因此,积极的加息意味着经济是健康的。人们普遍认为,美联储非常谨慎。但是,美联储有充分的理由保持谨慎。他们想要避免下一场大衰退,市场上出现了让我们走向未知领域的意外事件(Long, 2016)。除此之外,美联储政府自己也承认他们不准备应对衰退(Long, 2016)。他们正在努力建立信誉,并在此过程中增加经济的稳定性。由此可以理解,美联储政府采取了一种谨慎的方式来应对当前的经济不确定性。


耶伦提出的理由可能是一些重要的原因,不能同时被忽视。他们也需要在紧急情况下发展自己(Long, 2016)。然而,市场中有很多不确定性。没有人真正知道未来经济的走向。考虑到这些情况,谨慎行事总比冒险好。应该有相应的政策和资金来应对未来的宽松环境。从Wolfer的文章中可以看出,应该有一个更好的应急预案来应对市场的不确定性。在这种情况下,对未来的预测也不可信。美联储采取谨慎态度似乎是合理的,未来可能会发生许多不可预测的事件。因此,美联储需要确保经济的长期福利,并在当前形势下防止衰退。总之,沃尔弗斯认为准备得更充分是合理的,美联储系统需要制定一个应急计划。


Feds have reduced the expectations for growth twice this year and have also stated the same for the upcoming year (Long, 2016). The reasons provided by the Feds is that change in the interest rates could increase mortgage rates, credit cards debts and procuring car loans can be more expensive (Wolfers, 2016). Hence a positive rate hike means that the economy is healthy. There is a general view that the Feds is very cautious. But there are solid reasons for the Feds to be cautious. They want to avoid the next Great Big Recession and there are unexpected events in the markets that make US move towards unchartered territory (Long, 2016). Apart from this, the Fed government themselves acknowledge that they are not prepared to deal with recession (Long, 2016). They are trying to develop credibility and increase the stability of the economy in the process. From this, it can be understood that the Fed government has undertaken a cautious approach to deal with the current economic uncertainty.

The reasons provided by Yellen might be some important reasons that cannot be discounted at the same time. They also need to develop themselves in cases of exigent circumstances (Long, 2016). However, there is a lot of uncertainty in the markets. No one really knows the direction of the economy in the future. Given these circumstances, taking a cautious approach is better than taking risks. There should be policy and money in place to deal with extenuating circumstances in the future. From reflections of the article by Wolfer, it can be agreed that there should be a better emergency plan in place to deal with market uncertainties. Given the circumstances, prediction of the future is also not plausible. The Feds taking a cautionary approach seems to be reasonable and there are a lot of unpredictable events that could occur in the future. Hence the Feds need to ensure the long-term welfare of the economy and prevent recession in the current scenario. To conclude, Wolfers views of being more prepared is reasonable and the Federal reserve system needs to have an emergency plan in place.