


事实上,之前所描述的,是独自生活使我们更脆弱,因为没有共享的任务,职责,一时的欢乐,反映了仪器的情况说明,这些人可能是受影响最严重的贫困,与老人(赫瑟林顿et al.,2006,p. 498)。
然而,情况并非总是如此,独居并不等同于孤独感,也不等同于孤独!很多人选择独处,作为解放的手段,或作为补偿以前的负面情绪(例如,创伤后,离婚后,经过长时间的焦虑(社会)和尼尔森,2003,p. 181)。
事实是,我们都是社会性的人,需要有一个支持网络,它是社会伙伴、情感支持、物质援助或工具的保证者,并且常常起到认知指导和给我们建议的作用。这个网络的越来越显著,最能给我们幸福感的满意度(社会和Nelson,2003,p. 181)。


Researches mentioned that now there are many individuals who are choosing to live alone at any instance in the previous time, and on the other hand this flourishing demographic will also assist contour the path all of us live. Some of the situations associated with solo living relates to the young people leaving home, or significant others, especially to go seek work, often out of the country (or for other reasons, such as marriage, going to college) which may be associated with an empty nest stage (Klinenberg, 2012).
In the case of the elderly living alone is associated with it, often to isolation and loneliness, especially for 3 situations: physical and psychological ill health; absence of significant family ties (the children followed their lives …) and have lost spouses or significant friends, which leads to often be the only people in the family (Klinenberg, 2012). In these situations, waiting for the moment of his departure becomes so evident that anxiety and depressive feelings reach their culmination (Hetherington et al., 2006, p. 498).
The truth is that before described, is living alone makes us more vulnerable, because there is no sharing of tasks, responsibilities, momentary joys, reflecting up this state in instrumental situations, and these people may be the most affected by poverty, as with the elderly (Hetherington et al., 2006, p. 498).
However, it is not always so .Living alone is not the same as feeling alone, nor is it the same as being alone! Many people choose to be alone, as a means of emancipation, or as compensation for previous negative feelings (e.g., after trauma, after divorce, after long periods of anxiety) (Sobal & Nelson, 2003, p. 181).
The truth is that we are all social beings who need to have a support network that is the guarantor of social companionship, emotional support, material aid or instrumental and often functions as a cognitive guide and give us advice. This network, the closer and significant, most will give us a sense of well-being satisfaction (Sobal & Nelson, 2003, p. 181).