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Organization is a group of people that is present in an environment that consists of various other groups and strategic publics. To adapt themselves to this external environment, organizations are required to develop relations with the public. This involves the customers, investors, government communities and media. These publics have an important role in the working of the company as they have the power to support or oppose the goals of the organization. In order to develop this relationship, the concept of public relations was introduced. Therefore, public relations refer to the management of the interaction within an organization and its public . Public relation acts a manager, provider and a channel of communication, conducting research, identifying problems by enabling an organization to develop the communication among the various groups in the society. The public relation practitioners believe mass media to be the best channel that has been widely used by organizations to develop communication with the public. There are few characteristics that are associated with public relation activities and management, first important aspect of this is that public relations have become a profession with an intellectual source for gaining knowledge.
The thought that PR ought to be strategic has as of late ended up prominent among PR practitioners. The International Public Relations Association, the Public Relations Society of America, and the Universal Association of Business Communicators have made contributions such as publications on strategic public relations .