


任务环境要素是那些与Griffins食品(如其客户、竞争对手、供应商和劳动力市场)有直接工作关系的方面。组织的客户方面是那些使用组织产品的人。在未来的规划和创新管理中,企业必须满足消费者的需求(Castalia, 2014)。公司还必须根据消费者的期望对其进行细分,并相应地规划产品改进(Porter, 2008)。对于组织来说,存在一些特定的竞争问题。竞争问题将根据制造的产品而不同(Anchrol, 1991)。例如,钢铁行业将不会拥有与烘焙行业相同的竞争细节(Samson et al, 2016)。供应商是公司所需原材料的来源(Ansoff, 1980)。产品和服务的流动、供应商和零售商之间的关系等供应链动态将决定组织的成功(Samson et al, 2016)。劳动力市场代表了环境中那些可以被雇佣为该组织工作的人。每个组织都需要训练有素、合格的人才(Samson et al ., 2016, p. 100)。客户是狮鹫食品的最终消费者。以甜饼干为代表的Griffins有一个稳定的客户群。

纯甜饼干和儿童饼干仅占面包店销售饼干的35%左右(Rubanowski, 2014),这意味着该业务有良好的消费者细分市场,销售稳定。市场上有越来越多的新细分市场,它们更喜欢早餐搭配格里芬(Griffins)等产品,也喜欢咖啡搭配饼干。这种以方便为基础的早餐种类正在快速增长,作为一个利基市场,Rubanowski(2014)报告说,他们正在扩大,成为整个烘焙类(格里芬食品将下降的类别)的近10%。这部分消费者市场价值为2.788亿美元,预计还将增长(Rubanowski, 2014)。这为格里芬食品提供了很多机会。根据这一增长预测,凭借其强大的客户群、悠久的历史和早餐饼干产品,格里芬食品未来将拥有强大的消费群体。此外,Griffin Foods已经以消费者的形式支持其饼干的cafe部分(New Zealand, 2016)。


The task environment elements are those aspects that have a direct working relationship with Griffins Foods such as its customers, competitors, the suppliers and labour market.The customer aspect for the organization are those people who make use of organizational products. In future planning and in innovation management, companies have to meet the requirements of consumers (Castalia, 2014). The companies also have to segment consumers based on their expectations and plan product improvements accordingly (Porter, 2008).There are specific competitive issues for organizations. The competitive issues will differ based on the product manufactured (Anchrol, 1991). A steel industry for instance will not have the same competitive specifics as that of the Bakery industry (Samson et al, 2016). Suppliers are the source for the raw materials needed for the company (Ansoff, 1980). The supply chain dynamics such as the flow of products and services, the relationship between the supplier and the retailer and more would decide the success of organizations (Samson et al, 2016). The labour market represents people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization. Every organization needs a supply of trained, qualified personnel (Samson et al, 2016, p. 100). Customers are the end product consumers of Griffin foods. There is a steady customer segment for Griffins in the form of sweet biscuit consumers.

Plain sweet and kids segments of biscuits alone make up for around 35 percent of the biscuits sold in the bakery (Rubanowski, 2014), as such this means that there are well established consumer segments with steady sales for the business. There are new growing segments in the market that prefer breakfast with products such as the ones offered by Griffins, and also café with Biscuits. This form of a convenience based breakfast category is fast growing as a niche segment and Rubanowski (2014) reports that they are expanding to become nearly 10 percent of the overall bakery category (the category in which Griffin foods would fall). This consumer segment market value is $278.8 million and is expected to grow (Rubanowski, 2014). This holds many opportunities for Griffin foods. With its strong clientele and history and its breakfast biscuit products, Griffin food would hence have a strong consumer segment for the future according to this growth projection. In addition, Griffin Foods already has support in the form of the consumers for the café segment of its biscuits (New Zealand, 2016).