


中国在争议的ds394对上诉机构在应对WTO争端解决机制下的中国出口关税的争端ds394角色的重要分析工具提出一个讨论阶段。当涉及到处理所需的出口法规的执行和更多的执行时,上诉机构起着非常关键的作用。在问题的争议是由美国提出的在2009年,当他们需要咨询中国对原材料出口限制,对他们施加的。美国的指控,这实际上是限制中国违反1994关贸总协定的一些重要文章,即文章第八,X,和西的GATT 1994和段落5.1、5.2、8.2、11.3部分我的协议在中华人民共和国加入(“入协议”)。除了这些协定和协议,中国也被视为义务的一些规定,是指违反即1.2部分我的入世议定书。投诉的意见,美国是,他们的国家的利益,因此没有满足,如在协议中规定。


The China Dispute DS394 was instrumental in presenting a discussion stage for the Critical analysis of the role of the Appellate Body in dealing with export duties in the China Dispute DS394 under the WTO dispute settlement system. The Appellate body plays a very critical role when it comes to dealing with the enforcement of needed export regulations and more. The Dispute in question was raised by the United States in the year 2009 when they needed consultation with China on the restraints that they had imposed on the raw material export. The allegation of the United States was that by this restraints China was actually violating some important articles of the GATT agreement of 1994, namely articles VIII, X, and XI of the GATT 1994 and also the Paragraphs 5.1, 5.2, 8.2, and 11.3 of Part I of the Protocol on the Accession of the People’s Republic of China (“Accession Protocol”). In addition to these agreements and protocol China also was seen to be obligated to some provisions which it was alleged to have violated namely the 1.2 of Part I of the Accession Protocol. The opinion of the complaint, the United States was that the benefits to their nation were hence not met, as was specified in the agreements.
This complaint was taken up by the European Communities where Canada, Mexico and Turkey also joined in on the consultations. The panel and appellate proceedings started from 2009. Here at the meeting, the panel summarized the findings that four types of export restraints were placed by China. Some of the raw materials that came under these restraints were that of bauxite, coke, fluorspar and more. These raw materials are basically necessary for producing different types of everyday usage materials and China is the major producer of these materials. Here the allegation that was placed on China was that, China by creating export restraints was actually driving up the price. When there are export restraints then this will cause a scarcity of the raw material in the global markets and this will lead to higher prices. Nations like China that has sufficient supplies of these raw materials will actually be able to produce goods and sell them at better prices. They would also be able to monopolize and hence control the prices.