


有些学生学英语的速度和他们学第一语言的速度一样快。他们在文化上是健全的,有更高的自我形象来应对反复的失败和不断的尝试。据说,这种学校孩子的家庭环境在讨论中更加支持、同情和透明。在这样的环境下,这些学生成功地认为英语并不像大家说的那么难,但它只是另一种语言,在随后的写作和理解的努力下,说英语的人可以很容易地采用它,就好像它是第一语言一样。对于那些不断失败的学生来说,父母扮演着重要的角色,他们在家里找到了支持,并被要求看到一个真实的画面,一个更大的画面,那就是如何一步一步而不是匆忙地学习(Davis, 2011)。学校里的孩子用英语交流,但是把英语作为第二语言的学生更害怕失败,害怕在朋友面前成为笑话。认知能力在发展,处理拒绝和失败的情感能力也在发展。由于拒绝和失败对一个平衡的学生是必要的,学习作出大胆的决定和采取第一步的进步也是必要的。


There are students who learn English as fast as they learned their first language. They are culturally sound and have a higher self-image to cope with repeated failures and keep trying. The home environment for such school children is said to be more supportive, empathetic, and transparent in discussions. With such an environment, these students manage to conceive that English is not difficult as everyone says it is, but it is just another language and with subsequent efforts of writing and understanding while speaking one can easily adopt it, as if it feels as a first language. Parenting plays an important role in students who are failing consistently but find support at home and are made to see the real picture, the larger picture of how it is to be learned step by step and not in a hurry (Davis, 2011). School children communicate in English, but students with English as second language are more afraid of failing and of becoming a joke in front of their friends. The cognitive abilities are developing, so are its emotional abilities of handling rejection and failure. As rejection and failure are necessary for a balanced pupil, learning to take bold decision and taking the first move towards advancement are also necessary.
These qualities are learned more at home with parents than at school. School life is all about learning qualities of success and failure to be utilised further, and this is where teachers must identify the link between English language and identity association (Cummins and Davison, 2007). If the teachers can separate English language from a person’s or a student’s identities, it will do wonders for non-English speaking students to learn English. They gain confidence and regard failure as temporary, which does not hinder in their future life since their belief system is strengthened. Moreover, social and cultural influence of English speaking countries is also a context to be considered because all behaviours fall on the internal and external factors of social and cultural beliefs. In a research of the adult life of non-English speaking students working as employees, it was found that they did not find it intimidating to interact with other colleagues, they felt dejected negligibly when taunted of speaking weak English, etc.