


这种对比在组织内部是很明显的,因为他们所处的行业非常不同,而公司也处于可持续经营阶段,正如在不同可持续发展阶段模型中运营的组织所描述的那样。这两家公司都是在可持续性合规阶段运营的公司,麦当劳显然是在效率阶段运营。通过对这些公司的可持续发展报告和在公司网站上公开信息的调查,这两个被选择的组织都采用了利益相关者的方式来承担社会责任(Bice, 2014)。因此,这两家公司在其报告中涵盖了若干类似的问题,而这两家公司的报告取决于这一问题对投机组织的重要性。必和必拓澳大利亚公司更加注重业务的可持续性,通过提高经济效益,提高客户满意度,同时为员工群体提供健康的工作和安全保障。社会和环境方面的覆盖面较浅。这在公司的矩阵中是显而易见的。必和必拓澳大利亚公司表示将投资可再生能源,并减少温室气体的排放。
论文对节能降耗有一个概括性的概述,但这并没有被麦当劳的报告作为环境覆盖深度的详细阐述。必和必拓的报告进一步指出,被动地通过程序和政策来减少排放量,而不是采用以业务为基础的结构重新设计。审查必和必拓公司可持续发展的全球覆盖操作也在一致的操作公司的控制权大多集中在他们的报告和材料方面的信息的详细性质概述操作社会方面,但它缺乏细节审查所提供的环境数据(De Villiers et al ., 2014)。另一方面,麦当劳的报告对可持续能源和环境问题进行了深入的报道,这是他们经营的行业的本质。从该公司的可持续发展报告中可以明显看出,他们希望把自己描述成一个相信所有业务都要走绿色道路的组织。麦当劳已多次努力突出可再生能源发电方面的投资,以显示在这方面投资了30亿美元。该公司还声称,公司正在通过适当的措施和系统的手段投资于更多的可再生能源资产。


The contrast is evident within the organizations due to their vastly distinct industries they operate in along with the sustainable operating phase the firm is progressing across as depicted through the organizations operating within distinct sustainability phase models. Both these are such firms that operate in the sustainability compliance phase wherein McDonald is apparent to operate in the stage of efficiency. On investigation of such firms through their reporting of sustainability and open information over company websites, both of the organizations selected have adopted an approach of stakeholders to responsibilities in the society (Bice, 2014). Therefore, the companies have covered several of the similar issues within their reports with both the firms depending over the significance of that problem to speculative organizations. BHP Australia has more focus over business sustainability by gaining economically and by involving a higher customer satisfaction level along with healthy work and safety for the employee groups. There exists less depth in the coverage socially and environmentally. This is apparent in the matrix of the company. BHP Australia has indicated to invest in renewable energy sources and reduce the emissions from greenhouse gas.
There is a broad overview of the paper use reduction and energy but this has not been detailed as the environmental coverage depth in the report of McDonald’s. The reports through BHP further indicated emissions based reduction passively by procedures as well as policies rather than operations based structural redesigning used. The review of corporate sustainability for BHP covers worldwide operation which also are in consistent operation control of the company focusing mostly over their material aspects reports and has information of detailed nature outlining operations social aspects, but it lacks the details to review the provided environmental data (De Villiers et al., 2014). The report by McDonald’s on the other hand, had much coverage depth in the issues of sustainable energy and environment which is the industry’s nature within which they are operating. From the company’s sustainability report, it is apparent that they wish to depict themselves as an organization that believes in going green across all its operations. McDonald’s has made several efforts to highlight the renewable energy generation invested to show a 3 billion dollar investment within such aspects. The company has also claimed that the company is investing in more assets of renewable energy through appropriate measure and systematic means.
