

本篇个人陈述代写-中国面临的挑战,中国可能是仅次于美国的第二大经济体。在以美国为首的全球金融危机后,世界陷入深度衰退,中国和印度确保他们的经济将保持完整,并抓住发展成为超级大国的机会(Liquin, 2016;罗伊,2014)。它在一定程度上威胁了美国的霸权地位,因为它拥有最多的美元,而且它的领导地位仅次于美国。中国正面临着减少其土地上收入不平等的任务,这种不平等可能始于大规模的农村人口向城市迁移,这需要大量的国际投资。中国,一个自称为共产主义国家的国家,在内部是极其神秘和资本主义的(华纳,2013)。当习近平通过幕后渠道审查互联网、媒体和对外投资时,他的政治才能是出了名的。中国城市的大规模城市化给自然资源带来了巨大的压力,如果不立即采取行动,自然资源将会枯竭。有关个人陈述代写-中国面临的挑战分享给大家阅读。

China has been a notorious neighbour to all its 14 neighbours. It is known for its dirty tactics of threatening, grabbing and usurping land and sea territories that are not its own. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia Vietnam, India, Bhutan and others have territorial disputes with China (Luce, Hickey and Johnson, 2015). It is known to grab land by using its advantageous position of massive trade with nations to back off and agree to its orders. The recent Doklam plateau stand-off with India is one such case where it is threatening India with war like statements by using its military power and arms strength. Such notorious attitude is the reason why many neighbours unite stronger than before to isolate China. Land grabbing continuation could be regarded as a united front against China, which can backfire the nation with multiple sanctions.
China’s trade relations with the US are to be trickled down, as indicated by Trump who wants to address the ridiculous trade deficit of $360 billion. This is a major economic issue to be faced by China, as it could make import tariffs being introduced on US imports to reduce the deficit (Singh and Dube, 2013). Besides, the US is seeking to rebuild its domestic market through mass investments in infrastructure and manufacturing, which can threaten Chinese hegemony in serving US factories and labours to US multinationals.
China’s internal debt situation is seen to be worsening. Because of the censorship of media, the intrinsic facts are always hidden. It needs to clear its debt burden which had catapulted during the last two decades. And it must reinvest its own stabilisation programs (Martell, 2007). It has been rather active in registering a global mark than to fix internal issues. Overt greed of China’s political power to reinstate the nation to its imperial glory is fuelling unethical acts across the globe.
Terrorism has not been a major issue with China. But as the media censors, many news incidents of terror are suppressed by the government. For example, its terrorism threat in Xianjing region which is largely inhabited by Muslims is growing silently. And it would have to contain this rise with a resolute stand. It will need international support in eliminating terror from its soil, as intelligence sharing plays a key role in arresting terrorism.

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