


随着全球化的发展,多元化已经成为世界各地各行各业的流行语,好莱坞也未能摆脱这种影响。在最初的一天,好莱坞制作的大部分电影都是由美国人观看的。但是在最近的一段时间里,一部美国电影的大部分收入来自它在美国以外的业务,主要是在亚洲国家,如印度、日本、韩国、中国等。因此,它要求好莱坞电影中有亚洲角色,或在亚洲拍摄电影,以使其更具全球吸引力。但是好莱坞的主要电影仍然使用白人男女演员来扮演亚裔角色。随着漫威《奇异博士》(dr . Strange, Kanayama)的首个预告片的发布,近年来好莱坞电影受到了巨大的批评。预告片备受好评,不仅因为本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)饰演的神经外科医生,还因为他饰演了一位“古代人”。“古一”是一个非常强大的魔法师,在他的带领下,电影中的超级英雄接受了神秘艺术的训练。但“古一”是电影中的女性角色,原漫画中所描绘的西藏出生的男性角色,由女性蒂尔达·斯文顿(Tilda Swinton)饰演。



With globalization diversity has become the buzzword of all the industries around the world and Hollywood is not out of this impact. In the initial day’s majority of the films made by Hollywood were mostly viewed by the Americans. But in the recent time a major portion of the earnings that an American movie earns is from its business outside America mostly in the Asian countries like India, Japan, Korea, China etc. So it demands for Hollywood movies to have Asian characters in them or to shoot the movies in Asian locations to give it a more global appeal. But still major movies of Hollywood origin use white male and female actors to portray characters that are of Asian origin. This has lead to a huge criticism of Hollywood movies in the recent time with the release of the very first teaser trailer of Marvel’s “Doctor Strange” (Kanayama). The teaser trailer was highly appreciated not just for its casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as the ostensible neurosurgeon, but also the re-portraying of the same character as an “Ancient One”. The “Ancient One” was a very potent sorcerer under whom the superhero of the film takes training of mystic arts. But the “Ancient One” is a female character in the film who is originally a male character born in Tibet as has been portrayed in the original comics and has been played by Tilda Swinton, a woman.

This is another incident of Hollywood adopting Asian characters but whitewashing them with American actors. It is considered as cultural appropriation of characters that are of Asian origin (Kanayama). Marvel went out of the box and flipped both the gender and race of the character which originally is a Tibetan man. A similar thing has also been seen in another franchise of Marvel in Iron Fist. There was no need of having a look alike of Lo Pan (in Big trouble in Little China) in the movie (Kanayama). But there are many other methods of character elucidation in a movie rather than wiping out an Asian person from an intrinsically Asian tale. But different instances in the film do portray Hollywood’s immense affection for Asian culture. Like in one Scene “Ancient One” uses salt to cure wound of Cumberbatch which is an ancient practice of Asian origin. The visuals of the movie contain several aesthetics and visuals that have straight connection with Asian culture. For example the golden temples on top of mountains shown in the movie are inspired from Thailand, robes and jackets used as costumes in “Doctor Strange” are also fashions famous in old Japan, China and many other Asian countries like Tibet.