


这通常移除立场可能会让他们更少意识到当前的财务状况组织(Hooghiemstra和van -梅南,2004;长et al ., 2005)。然而,不仅仅是使用的信息,被认为是在工作场所也现实中的信息存在什么关于独立董事预计是悖论的一部分。预期的治理委员会董事会采取行动以某种方式在很大程度上应该肩负更多的展示所需的规定和指导的作用。其次在增加公司治理问题的背景下,有问题再一次如何治理委员会必须他们必须改变或者被指控的责任。ASXCGPs清晰的原则2指出,“(一)多数董事会…应该独立董事”(ASX, 2014)。

这里希望大多数的董事是独立董事没有正确定义为什么和这种形式的独立的管理者应该如何工作可能不是有效的(Heracleous, 2001;派伊Camm, 2003)。之间存在关键法律术语确定独立董事是谁,谁是诱致性导演和有必要有更好的认识上的差异。这是部分国家的立法来确定如何更好地服务企业。澳大利亚公司治理框架需要大多数上市公司尽可能的高度管制。行为运作至今的关键规定公司法案2001(车车)(企业)和澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市规则。


This often times removed standpoint might make them even less aware of the current financial state of the organization (Hooghiemstra and van Manen, 2004; Long et al., 2005). However, it is not just the information that is seen to be in use in the workplace but also the information in reality on what is present about what the INEDs are expected to do that is part of the paradox. The very governance councils that expect the directors to act in a certain way should be tasked more heavily on presenting the needed provisions and guidance’s for acting so. Secondly in the context of increasing corporate governance issues, there are once again questions on how the governance board must act how they must be change or be charged with responsibilities. The principle 2 of the ASXCGPs clearly states that “[a] majority of the board… should be independent directors” (ASX, 2014).

Here to expect most of the directors to be independent directors without properly defining why and how this form of independent directorship should work might not be that effective (Heracleous, 2001; Pye and Camm, 2003).There are key legal terms identified between who an independent director is and who is a non-independent director and it is necessary for there to be better awareness on the differences. It is a part of the country’s legislation to identify how to better serve the corporations of the country. The Australian corporate governance framework requires most of the public listed companies to be as highly regulated as possible. The Act has functioned till date as the key for regulations is the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) and Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules.