


在皇室的殴打日,罗斯和弗洛被安置在他们的厨房里。Flo心情不好,并且沉迷于地板清洁。与此同时,罗斯也在重复她最近在学校学的一首韵文。押韵是由一些不好的词组成的,但是Rose还太小,不明白什么是对的,什么是错的。弗洛继续指责她,并告诉她,因为那个孩子只飞进了房子(Somacarrera 79)。这所房子是一个小的,而可怜的房子是在萧条时期的一个悲伤的时期。Flo经常因为这个和其他很多事情而焦躁不安,比如在家工作。罗斯知道弗洛不太喜欢她,所以她不承认她是母亲,她只把她看成是弗洛。

从这个角度来看,可以说,在厨房里,争论不断地转错了方向,Rose知道会发生什么,但她不会停止。她的父亲被叫来了。弗洛试图让他相信这全是罗斯的错,是罗斯在教布莱恩错误的语言和指责语言。父亲继续为罗斯提供皇家的打击,这也包括投掷打击和踢腿。整个事件表明,在这种情况下没有错误或错误。她只是简单地叙述了一个押韵(Ross 786-810)。她很年轻,不知道父母想从她那里得到什么。情况很糟糕,暗示他们很穷,没有钱。玫瑰被羞辱。


On the royal beatings day, Rose and Flo are set within their kitchen. Flo is in a bad mood and indulges in floor cleaning. Meanwhile, Rose engages in repeating a rhyme which she recently got to learn at school. The rhyme consists of some bad words but Rose is too young to understand what is right and what is wrong. Flo keeps on accusing her and telling her that because of the child only Flo came into the house (Somacarrera 79). The house is a small one and poor one set in the midst of a sad time when Depression was undergoing. Flo is often agitated due to this and many other things such as working at home. Rose understands that Flo does not like her much so instead of acknowledging her as mother, she only considers her as Flo.

From this perspective, it can be said that, in the kitchen, the argument keeps taking a wrong turn and Rose knows what will happen but she does not stop. Her father is called in. Flo tries to convince him that it was all Rose’s fault and it is Rose who is teaching Brian wrong words and accusing language. Father goes ahead to provide Rose with royal beating which involves throwing hitting and kicking as well. The entire event indicates that there is no fault or mistake of Rose in the situation. She was simply narrating a rhyme (Ross 786-810). Being young, she did not know what her parents wanted from her. The situation was a sad one implying that they were poor and did not have any money. Rose was left humiliated.