


健全的管制政策有助于促进管制机构有效地履行职责,以确保业务是在明确和适当的授权下进行的,必须独立于受管制的主体和政治影响。此外,需要适当的设备和资源,具有决策的问责性和透明度(Dooren, 2011)。如果在提供具有自然垄断属性的基础设施时使用公私合营,则监管机构的组织、设计和角色对于确保公共市场的资金价值和保护消费者和用户具有重要意义。近年来,透明度已成为公共治理和公共管理文献综述中一个极为热门的话题。它在当前的治理改革和公共管理议程中发挥着重要的作用,其中最明显的是奥巴马政府的透明度政策(Coghill, 2007)。自最近以来,透明度还影响到信息公开的可能性、万维网的影响和可获得的信息。由于这一将基础设施建设和公共部门纳入私营部门的举措,公私合作伙伴关系的透明度问题正在出现。正如罗伯茨(2006,p。政府为提供公共服务提供新来源的实验削弱了信息自由的法律。
有一种潜在的观点认为,这种威胁是公私伙伴关系机制和其他市场类型对透明度和问责制造成的。这导致了潜在的矛盾局面,主要集中在透明度作为整个公共部门的一个重要问题,而许多任务从公共部门转移到公私合营企业或私有化(Coghill, 2007)。在目前的环境下,澳大利亚没有会计准则;具体处理与ppp相关的风险分配。澳大利亚会计准则委员会(Australian Board of Accounting Standards)一直在审查公共部门实体为其他一些实体提供公共基础设施的会计问题。在这方面,公私伙伴关系对公共部门提出了一些要求和挑战,因为在提供公共服务和基础设施方面,与涉及传统方法的风险参数有很大的不同。事实上,对政府的潜在债务的累积可能涉及一些重大的问题。这种能力对保护公共利益和执行政府政策中的目标具有重要意义,以便明确地确立开端。


Sound policy of regulation helps in promoting the efficient delivery of performance by regulatory agencies to ensure that the operations are conducted under clear and appropriate mandate, with required independence from regulated subjects and political influence. Further, there is a major requirement for appropriate equipment and resources, with the accountability and transparency of decision-making (Dooren, 2011). Where there is an employment of PPPs in delivering the facilities of infrastructure with natural attributes of monopoly, the organization, design and roles of regulators become significant for securing the value of money across the public market and protecting the consumers and users. Transparency has ended up becoming an extremely topical in literature reviews on public governance and public management in recent times. It plays a significant role in current agenda of governance reform and public management, out of which the most visible one is the administration’s transparency policy of Obama (Coghill, 2007). Since recent times, transparency also affects the possibilities regarding disclosure, impacts of the World Wide Web, and the information available. Issues of transparency with respect to PPPs are taking place due to this move to include infrastructure provision and public in private sector. As noted by Roberts (2006,p. 17), the laws of Freedom of Information are undercut by the experiments of government with new sources for the delivery of public services.
There is an underlying sentiment that the threat is caused to transparency and accountability by mechanisms of PPPs and other market types. This results in potential paradoxical situation with major focus upon transparency as a significant problem across the public sector, while a number of tasks are diverted from the public sector and transferred or privatized to PPPs (Coghill, 2007).In the current setting, there are no accounting standards in Australia; specifically dealing with risk allocation in association with PPPs. The Australian Board of Accounting Standards keeps examining the problem of accounting by the entities of public sector for providing public infrastructure by a number of other entities. In this context, PPPs can be seen giving rise to a number of demands and challenges with respect to public sector, as there are major differences in the parameters of risks from the ones involving traditional approaches in providing public services and infrastructure. As a matter of fact, the accruing of potential liabilities to government may be involving some significant. This capacity is significant for the protection of public interest and enforcement of objectives in government policy for the clear establishment of outset.
