

essay代写-有关《职业健康安全条例》的公司案例分析。在《职业健康安全条例》第22条中,公司维护员工的健康是很重要的。他们必须确保工作场所的条件属于管理范围。必须明确维护员工的健康和安全。必须雇用或雇用符合OHS资格的人提供的服务,以便为员工提供健康建议(Wark, 2014)。第23条和第24条规定员工不得为了公司的利益而冒险。他们需要确保有适当的监管标准,以确保工作场所的访客受到控制。OHS条例第38条规定,该公司需要让人们意识到这一事件。一旦发生事故,公司必须立即通知安全生产部门。他们需要保留这个地方,以便政府做出决定。在48小时内,需要对人们进行医疗治疗,以预防任何健康疾病。雇主有责任确保工作场所的安全得到维护,并使员工在安全的条件下工作(Davies和Dunbar, 2016)。

According to the worker safety laws, the company has a duty to ensure health and safety for the employees. They need to have a policy of “manage risks”. They need to reduce the risks that are pragmatic and need to find ways to minimize the risks. The companies need to adhere to the safety standards and ensure that all the employee is aware of safety protocols. There must be deciding of the “reasonably practicable” process that the companies need to develop. This must be clear accountable process. There will be understanding of the code and it will be applied like a formula to prevent such issues. Essendon company must address the areas of potential risk and develop protocols in place (Crocker, 2014). These must be adhering to the codes and creation of a newer regulations. For these, there must be certain control measures. A number of control measures needs to be in place to ensure the safety of the employees.
As an inception step, the work procedures need to describe the task, identify the hazards and ensure that there is minimization of the risks. To achieve this, the companies need to provide training and inform the workers about the ways to mitigate risk. The training of the workers need to be competent and ensure that the tasks is according to the procedure. Information and instruction need to be provided by all the people. This applies to all the people who visit the place or the premises. The training that is provided must be in lieu with the latest changes. There is dynamic changes in the society, the rules must be explained and the newer paradigm shift along with the associated safety must be clearly enunciated.
The next factors of control are the supervision. This supervision is required to prevent these events from occurring in the future. There must be following of the higher levels of supervision that is required.
The younger workers and the newly joined workers must ensure that there are measures to promote the well-being of the people. To ensure that there is proper control over the events that must be followed and maintained. The managers or the supervisors need to be provided with the authority and the relevant resources to implement and maintain the control measures. There must be regulatory maintenance of the plant and equipment in the process. There is a requirement for the company to ensure that there is regular inspection. The company must ensure that there is regular review and consultation. These control measures need to be effective in order to maintain the worker safety.
Added to this, the company needs to be aware of the newer protocols and ensure that they take real and genuine efforts to prevent such an incident from happening again. There must be creation of the final objective of safety in this paradigm. This would ensure that these events will not take place in the future.
These must be done in a regular manner to prevent future events.

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