essay 代写:品牌构建策略


essay 代写:品牌构建策略

品牌能够说服消费者,让他们按照自己的期望去思考,而这一点是有可能的,因为当他们使用品牌构建策略时,涉及到定义品牌的整个系列过程和体验。例如,当马来西亚制定其品牌战略,作为一个旅游景点的品牌营销国家,它收集了所有的无限经验,一个人可以在他们的国家。他们以一种已经被体验过的方式展示了它,展示了那些体验的感受,以及颜色的类型,个体展示的也与他们预期的来他们国家的人群相匹配(Morgan, Pritchard and Pride, 2004)。国家使用图像为他们的营销,当个人消费者想到品牌,它将自动在他们的脑海(马可尼,2002)。如果一个品牌展示了更多的图片、体验、情感和理想的地方,那么当消费者努力搜索这个品牌,并到这个地方去体验与市场营销相同的体验时,它肯定会得到很好的回应。

essay 代写:品牌构建策略

Brands are able to convince consumers for making them think the way they expect, and this I possible with the impact of brands when they use brand building strategy which involves the entire series of process and experiences that defines the brand. For example, when Malaysia formulated its brand strategy for marketing the country as a brand for tourist attraction, it gathered all the infinite experiences that one could have in their country. They showed it in a way where it was already being experienced, showed the feelings of those experience, and the type of colours, individuals showed also matched their expected crowd to come to their country (Morgan, Pritchard and Pride, 2004). Country uses images for their marketing and when the individual consumer thinks about the brand, it will automatically in their minds (Marconi, 2002). The brand showing more images, experiences, feelings, and desirable places it is sure to get a good response when the individual consumer will take an effort to search the brand and travel to the location to feel the same experiences that were marketed.
The human psychology has been developed in a materialistic world and there is more attention and importance to material possession, which unfortunately makes the brands win in their strategy and using this same human desire to want more as the most capitalising factor of expediting their product sales. Humans have an inherent need of being someone, to be recognised, to be associated with the rich and powerful, to be happy and make other happy, to experience various feelings, and to meet the most suppressed emotional needs. These are inherent and intrinsic in nature and seek to meet by themselves through the actions of the individual. Brand like Pepsi has made advertisements which show cases multiple experiences and feelings in a short television advert, which when is observed by an emotionally stared individual will be a benefit. That individual would like to associate with Pepsi as drinking Pepsi will possibly make him more happy and belonged, as displayed by Pepsi, and make him fulfils his wish for being someone, even if that means in the individual eyes himself.