


Inside contract system had been a precursor to the rise of the industrial revolution and the loss of the intangibly supreme position of knowledge-rich craftsmen. The craftsmen had its right of way and working wages in the inside contract system, because the capitalists did not own knowledge that was not considered superior. Though, the craftsmen were more knowledgeable they were not considered to be superior either, and there was a constant conflict between the supremacy of capital and knowledge. And thus, it is the conflict of the ownership of the products and right of major profits. There had been no tag of value been attached to the workers due to lack of the identification and realisation of the input of knowledge into making of the products. The inside contract system had been more beneficial to workers where they could decide their wages, profits, establish their unique craft knowledge and also match their contribution as equal to that of capital, but with the development of popular notion of capital being more powerful and controlling. It lost its fragrance and gave way to the factory system, which until today has been only producing controlled and bonded labours, nothing else.

Thus, with the rising importance of capital as the superior element in the production process and seeing workers as an overhead and a cost, the authoritative position of knowledge-rich workers or craftsmen lost its appeal in the industrial revolution and systemisation of factory working. And methodical mass production and technologies had a major role in degrading the knowledge possession of workers or craftsmen.

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