


The cities and towns across the countries are invariably making profit due to their creatively designed and functional buildings. In the growing economies, it is considered a very important element as it enables the country to provide more employment opportunities than before and stimulate the process of investment in the historic places or buildings. Additionally, the countries feel the need for making the buildings adaptable in order to protect the history and characteristics which make the country unique (Blengini 2009, 319-330). Thus, adapting the buildings is an important way for achieving the above mentioned goals of the countries. In simple terms, it should be understood that if the buildings become slow in their operations, then adapting them or recycling them is the most suitable method in order to protect them for future use. The Mint in Sydney (as depicted in the below figure) is the appropriate example which showcases how adaptive re-use is tackled in a creative way.
Recycling has become the second nature of the communities in the present days, as they make efforts for environmental sustainability. Adaptive reuse of the buildings is regarded as the process of changing the unused or destructive item into an effective item for the purpose of reducing, reusing and recycling of waste material and infusing new life in everything. The adaptive reuse of the historical buildings aids in maintaining the heritage essence of the building and makes the developers understand the heritage status of the building (Hauke and Werner 2012, 60-67). The adaptive reuse of the historical establishments is useless if the heritage worth of the building is not realized in the right way.
The adaptive reuse of the buildings is one the major contributors in critical thinking and professional theory contemplated by scholars. Therefore, repairing of the buildings that are existing or are in the state of being restored has become a fascinating challenge for the scholars of architectural discipline. Thus, it would be correct to say that in the opinion of the scholars and writers, the theory of adaptive reuse is an important step towards the conservation of the cultural heritage of the country (Yung, Esther, and Chan 2012, 352-361).
The conservation of the buildings is important as it represents the cultural resources of the country. Architecture is termed as the product that encapsulates the attitudes and worthiness of the buildings and structures of the past times. These establishments are the epitome of the knowledge of the evolution of the community and are important factor which contributes in further development of the community (Worthing and Bond 2008). The importance of the adaptability of the buildings was increasingly recognized by the scholars such as Bullen (2007, 20-31), Gallant and Blickle (2005, 97-107), Kohler and Hassler (2002) and Bon and Hutchinson (2000, 310-314) along with Ball (2002, 63-83). In the countries such as US, Sweden, England and some parts of Palestine are significantly realizing the demolishment of the historical buildings and switched from the new buildings to adapting and rehabilitating the old version of the buildings. Furthermore, the adaptability of the buildings is beneficial because it aids in the lowering of resources, low transportation costs and consumption of energy and less pollution (Gregory 2004 and Douglas 2002). Hence, it would be correct to say that the strategy of adaptability is becoming an important concept for improving the sustainability of the buildings that are existing and are the major contributors of revitalizing the city life (Ball 1999; Brand 1994; Pickard 2001; Kohler 1999, 11; Latham 2000; Cooper et al. 2001, 1573-1588; Kohler and Hassler 2002; Douglas 2002; Gregory 2004).

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