


since facebook works through self-introduction through public displays of connections or networked-interactions, an identity-driven performance is encouraged and built around the electronic media. Different individuals employ facebook for different purposes, the use often depending on the needs and wants they want to fulfil. A recent survey has linked greater facebook usage with greater dissatisfaction, envy, low self-esteem, and a general miserableness. However, one can’t deny its importance in producing sociality and connectivity all around the world, and its multi-layered, personalizable and flexible uses are too many to be ignored. A balance must be created between one’s online and offline worlds in order to have the best of both worlds. Too much of anything can be bad, and facebook (or other social networking sites) is no exception.

It is interesting how one platform can be used in so many different ways, and how many layers can exist to the terms ‘sociality and connectivity’. According to Majchrzak, (et al, 2013, p.40), understanding the new media and the emergence of these new trends is of acute importance in this world of fast-evolving technology since they form a major part of our everyday lives. It is also very important to study these behaviours to trace the direction in which our species in headed. This new media helps us understand the workings of our immediate world, our communications with one another, and our very own selves.

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