

新西蘭的FoodStuff Inc.擁有很多積極因素,這些因素使其能夠在目前的競爭環境中生存下來,但它們也有一些弱點。 SWOT、BCG、Porter、PEST分析以及公司的戰略建議都是基於這些屬性制定的。公司注重以垂直整合的本地化生產,增加市場基礎,發展更好的服務營銷。在此分析中,Foodstuff NZ ltd.是一家專注於此分析的公司。公司成立於1922年(Foodstuffsconz, 2016)。這家連鎖超市在北島和南島市場銷售產品、折扣雜貨和酒類零售商。它擁有四個廣場,新世界和Pak ‘n Save v.他們也有一些商店的私人標籤。將會對公司的內部和外部分析進行分析,基於分析的建議將在此分析中透露出來。


公司根據年度報告的使命是生產健康和環保的產品(Foodstuffsconz, 2016)。公司的願景是發展生產過程,確保公司的碳足跡最小化。目標和目標是在未來可持續發展,並確保在全國實現最大銷售額(Foodstuffsconz, 2016)。這個組織有很好的自然資源。人們發現當地毛利人對該產品有著巨大的品牌形象。這使得該公司能夠在金融危機期間維持下去(Bailey et al., 2015)。公司擁有功能齊全的業務部門。公司擁有經驗豐富的員工隊伍,能夠滿足公司的供貨需求。缺點是高Liučvaitienė少依賴進口和生產單位。這些都是公司的重大弱點。


The FoodStuff Inc. in New Zealand has a lot of positive attributes that has made its sustain in the current competitive environment however they have some weakness. SWOT, BCG, Porter, PEST analysis for the company and strategic recommendations for the company has been developed based on these attributes. Focusing on the local production by vertical integration, increasing the market base and developing better service marketing has been prescribed for the company.In this analysis, Foodstuff NZ ltd. is a company that has been focused in this analysis. It has been found that the company was originally formed in 1922 (Foodstuffsconz, 2016). This supermarket retail chain sells products, discounted groceries and liquor retailers in the North and South Island markets. It owns Four square, New World and Pak’n Save v. They also have some in store private labels. There will be analysis of the internal and external analysis of the company and recommendations based on the analysis will be divulged in this analysis.

The mission of the company according to their annual reports is producing products that are healthy and environmentally friendly (Foodstuffsconz, 2016). The vision of the company is to grow manufacturing processes and ensure that there is minimal carbon footprint in the company. The goals and objectives are to be sustainable in the future and ensure that there are maximum sales reached in the nation (Foodstuffsconz, 2016). The organization has good natural resources. It has been found that the local Maori population has immense brand image for the product. This has enabled the company to sustain during weaker financial times (Bailey et al., 2015). The company has highly functional business units. There is experienced workforce and the company is able to meet the supply demands of the company. The weakness is high dependent on import and less manufacturing units Liučvaitienė. These are significant weakness for the company.