


The executives are found to launch a variance-measurement program in order to meet the subjective nature of the events. The company has tried to develop a metrics that would be feasible for the company as well as ensure that the stakeholder interests are met in the process. However, with little transparency the company might not be able to establish rapport with customers who are themselves aware of services performance measurement.
Secondly, in terms of leadership in change management, more autonomy needs to be given to the employees. This would help remove the barriers of the people to bring in the change efforts. These removing of the obstacles would promote optimism and would bring confidence to change the world. The leaders in the company must learn to celebrate the smaller wins. These would reinforce the existing ideologies and also be a track for the people to try harder to achieve the goals for the company. In the cases of successful effort, the people must learn to build on the momentum in order to convert the vision into reality

Some of the important facets that need to be considered in this process of service agreements are discussed in the work. Chipotle must create a solution that enables in meeting of the consumer requirements, and meeting the competition that exists in the nation. In terms of change management and leadership must implement more transparent methods of leading change that all stakeholders could be satisfied. Once the change has been enforced there must be momentum to keep the morale of the situation. These can be achieved by keeping a positive morale and communication.

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