


对文献的搜索揭示了许多此类研究提供了影响新技术采用的其他因素。 Grewal,Lindsey-Mullikin和Caldwell(2000)对TAM模型进行了扩展,发现信任对采用在线电子商务技术很重要,因为网上购物的本质增加了不确定性并增加了感知风险,然后由信任调节该人拥有技术和品牌。该研究表明,信任是重要的,因为它减少了购买者的感知或风险并增加了安全感。在一项相关的研究中,Udo(2001)提出,在黑客和网络犯罪分子的时代,消费者接受的技术不仅基于易用性或技术感知的有用性,还基于诸如隐私和安全隐私指的是人们对数据所获得的个人信息以及与第三方意外丢失信息有关的安全性的看法。

此外在其他研究中,Davis等人(1992)也扩展了他们自己的TAM模型,以表明他们以前的技术接受模型是有限的,因为它没有考虑到采用新技术时人们的享乐主义动机,而只关注功利主义动机。他们认为采用新技术的一个重要因素是享受因素。他们认为,就像人们在购物体验中寻求快乐和享受一样,消费者在尝试新技术时会寻求乐趣,并且如果他们更喜欢技术,他们可能对技术持积极态度。 Childers等人对享受感知对采用新技术的影响进行了实证研究。 (2001)发现,使用新技术在网上购物的消费者发现,享乐是一个重要因素。


A search of literature reveals many such studies that offer other reasons as factors affecting adoption of new technologies. Grewal, Lindsey-Mullikin and Caldwell (2000) expanded on the TAM model and found that trust was important in adoption of online b-commerce technologies because the nature of online shopping increased uncertainty and increased the perception risk, which was then mediated by the trust the person had in the technology as well as the brand. The study suggests that trust was important because it reduced the perception or risk and increased the perception of safety among buyers. In a related study, Udo (2001) suggested that in an era of hackers and cyber criminals, consumers accepted technologies, not just based on the ease of use, or perceived usefulness of the technology, buy also based on issues such as privacy and security where privacy referred to the perceptions of what people did with data obtained about individuals and security related to the accidental loss of information to third parties.

Furthermore in other studies, Davis et al. (1992) also extended their own TAM model to suggest that their previous technology acceptance model is limited as it does not take into account the hedonistic motivations of people when adopting new technologies, instead focussing only on the utilitarian motivations. They suggest that one of the important factors in the adoption of new technologies was the enjoyment factor. They suggest that just as one seeks pleasure and enjoyment in shopping experiences, consumers seek enjoyment when trying out new technologies and likely to have a positive attitude towards the technology if they enjoy the technology more. Empirical studies conducted on the impact of perception of enjoyment on the adoption of new technologies by Childers et al. (2001) found that consumers who shopped online found using new technologies found enjoyment to be an important factor.