


选择这个模型是因为它提供了关于个人行为模式和态度的深入信息。就像目前的情况一样,约翰和塔尼亚对他们的工作有着不同的个人和职业期望和愿望,造成了他们之间的冲突。 TKI是一种通过对个人的解释和反馈进行评估的自我评估方法(Deutsch,2011)。这种方法被人力资源和外聘专家广泛使用,为冲突问题创造一个公开和自由讨论的环境,从而促进冲突解决的学习过程,影响个人和团队层面的组织动态。



This model is selected as it provides the in-depth information about the behavioural patterns and attitudes of individuals. Like in the present case John and Tania have different personal and professional expectations and desires from their jobs that created a situation of conflict between them. TKI is a self scoring method of assessment through interpretation and feedback about the individuals (Deutsch, 2011). This method is widely used by the HR and OD experts for creating an environment of open and free discussion on conflicting issues which as a result facilitates the process of learning about conflict resolution that affects organizational dynamics at personal and team levels.

With this model the assessment of behavioural patterns of John and Tania will be made for the purposes of conflict resolution. It will help us in the assessment of conflicting situation between John and Tania in whom they appear to be incompatible for example John needs the reports on monthly revenue which are prepared and distributed by Tania which she has undertaken 12 months before only. On the other hand Tania is dependent on John and other staff for the raw data for the preparation of the final report. Here the behaviour of John and Tania will be described against the two dimensions i.e. firstly assertiveness is the extent to which an individual wants to satisfy his personal concerns and secondly cooperativeness is the extent up to which the person is making efforts for satisfying the concerns of the other person (Tjosvold, 2008).