


在人民内部也有很多讨论,关于成为加拿大人意味着什么(p. 50)。它是目前基于外部因素的可塑因子。文化是建立在生存、经济和社会价值的基础上的。人们通常吸收一个地方的文化条件和等级条件(Naiman, 2012年第45页)。例如,在印度,吃牛被认为是亵渎神明。牛被认为活着比死了更有用(奈曼,2012,第51页)。马克思主义者给出了一个合理的解释,即文化是建立在生产方式的基础上的,即每个文化的生存和社会经济形成的基本需要(第51页)。这说明一般人在生活的地方发展文化。在人类进化的过程中,狩猎是一种常见的行为。人们不能只靠猎取肉来获得食物。


正是在这个时候,农业才有了发展。在过去几年的农业社会中,农业和土地所有权被认为是生产的根(Naiman, 2012, p. 53)。在这些时期,奴役的观念逐渐形成。这在“任何人都会做”中得到了解释。在“任何人都会做”的视频中,我们的海军陆战队得到了来自全国各地的训练。在这次训练中,士兵们被要求失去他们的个人身份,并表现得像一个服从命令的士兵。他们的行为是本能的,他们的自然行为和文化在这种训练中被改变了。这段视频是一个很好的例子,说明文化是如何在社会中被培养的。这也有助于理解文化是如何在一个有意识或无意识的社会中发展的。


There is also a lot of discussions within the people as to what it means to be a Canadian (p. 50). It is currently a malleable factor based on external factors. Culture is developed based on the survival, economics and the social values of a place. People in general absorb the cultural conditions and hierarchical conditions of a place (Naiman, 2012 p. 45). For example, in India, it is considered blasphemous to eat cow. Cow is considered to be more useful alive than dead ((Naiman, 2012, p. 51). One plausible explanation is given by Marxist which states that culture is developed based on the mode of production i.e. the essential need for survival and socio economic formation of each culture (p. 51). This states that people in general develop culture based on where they live. In the course of human evolution, hunting was a common practice. People could not get food regularly based on hunting of meat alone.

It was during this time that there was development in agriculture. In the agrarian communities of the yester years, agriculture and ownership of the land was considered to be the roots of production ((Naiman, 2012, p. 53). During these times, the notions of servitude were found to develop. This is explained in “Anybody will do”. In the video “Anybody will do”, training is provided to the Marine corps of US from various parts of the country. In this training, the soldiers are made to lose their individual identity and made to act like a soldier who obeys the orders. They are made to act with instinct and their natural behavior and culture is altered in this training. This video is a great example of how culture is fostered in a society. This also helps in gaining understanding of how culture is developed in a society knowingly or unknowingly.