

迪斯尼電影已經成為兒童娛樂的代名詞。它在大眾中很受歡迎,這個特殊的生產公司的花言巧語影響著下一代人對社會的看法。現代活躍的觀眾對電影和娛樂在社會中的建構也有深刻的影響(Wasko 5),因此有必要分析這家公司及其電影所宣揚的敘事和關鍵意識形態,以了解當今社會是如何構建的。在這個分析中,電影《冰雪奇緣》的主要主題和對這部電影敘事的批判分析在這次調查中被詳細地揭示出來。迪士尼的一般活動一直是向消費者銷售並為他們的產品創造需求。他們一直對政府的政治性質和意識形態很敏感(Wasko 7),這個公司的主要目的是為人民提供娛樂,而不是傷害人民的感情。


經濟影響和金融市場的不安全感對電影的構建和敘事主題有著深刻的影響。公司始終對人民的需要敏感,始終以群眾的意識形態為基礎進行反映。科技的發展也影響了公司娛樂媒體的發展(Garabedian 4)。在之前的迪士尼公主電影中,一個共同的主題就是總是有一個苦惱的少女,她們等待王子來拯救她們。這種類型的電影和劇本是在過去幾十年由於社會的父權制性質而發展起來的。然而,這在社會上發生了變化,現代迪士尼故事的敘事主題也發生了變化。在這部電影《冰雪奇緣》中,艾爾莎被刻畫成具有強烈個人主義色彩的現代女性。


Disney pictures have become synonymous with childhood entertainment. It has become very popular with the masses and the rhetoric of this particular production company has an impact on how the future generation develops their views about the society. The modern active audiences also have a profound impact on how the movies, and the entertainment are constructed in the societies (Wasko 5). Hence there is a need to analyze the narratives and key ideologies professed by this company and its movies to understand how the current society is structured. In this analysis, the key themes of the movie Frozen and critical analysis of the narrative of this movie has been divulged in detail in this investigation. General activities of Disney have always been to sell to the consumers and create requirements for their products. They have always been sensitive to the political nature and ideology of the governments (Wasko 7). The primary purpose of this company is to provide the people with entertainment and not to hurt the sentiments of the people.

The economic impact and the financial market insecurities have a deep impact on the construction of the movies and the narrative themes. The company has always been sensitive to the needs of the people and have always reflected based on the ideology of the masses. There is also an impact of the development of technology in the way the entertainment media created by the company (Garabedian 4). The common theme in the previous Disney princess movies was that there is always a damsel in distress and they wait for their prince to rescue them. These kinds of movies and scripts were developed in the previous decades because of the patriarchal nature of the society. This however has changed in the society and there is also a change in the narrative themes of the modern Disney stories. Elsa in this movie Frozen is portrayed as modern woman with strong individualism.