


Apple iWatch是一款与苹果iPhone和iOS应用兼容的智能手表。这是针对社会富裕阶层,他们重视自己的健康和身体活动的产品。人们发现,这家公司能够为他们开发的任何产品获得忠实的赞助(Kardes, Cronley,and Cline, 2014)。iWatch产品的用户属于高端人群,喜欢高科技产品,注重产品的美观。高收入和中等收入以上的消费者使用该产品主要是基于年龄。年轻的大学生使用本产品是因为具有娱乐价值,连接能力强的产品。年轻的专业人士使用这个产品,因为他们被发现与电子产品的探索性产生共鸣。30至45岁的人口使用it增强业务连接。对产品的批评是产品缺乏多样化。它只针对社区的一个部分(Kim, & Shin, 2015)。

iWatch不兼容任何其他应用程序,如Android应用程序。这不能作为一个独立的应用程序或产品,它需要iPhone的功能(Pyattaev et al., 2015)。产品的功能存在固有的局限性。对于一直强调的产品建议是,公司应该开发一个更加多样化的产品范围,降低价格以满足竞争对手(Miguel, & Casado, 2016)。定价和产品多样化需要发展。现代社会产品泛滥,同一产品有许多竞争者。在这种情况下,企业必须了解消费者行为,分析消费者行为。消费者行为本身已经成为一项研究,用来衡量企业对群体、个人的反应,了解他们的需求,开发对他们有用的产品(Schiffma et al., 2013)。


Apple iWatch is a smart watch that is compatible with the Apple iPhone and iOS applications. This is targeted for the affluent class in the society who give importance to their health and physical activity of the product. It has been found that this company has been able to garner a loyal patronage for any product that they develop (Kardes, Cronley,and Cline, 2014). The users of the iWatch products are people who belong to premium range, like high-tech products and give importance to the aesthetical aspect for the product. The high income and the higher middle income consumers use this product mainly based on age. Younger college students use this product because of the entertainment value, ability of the connectivity of the product. The young professionals use this product because they are found to resonate with the exploratory nature of the electronic products. The demography between 30 to 45 use it to enhance business connectivity. The criticism for the product is the lack of diversification of the product. It is found to cater towards the one segment of the community only (Kim, & Shin, 2015).

The iWatch is not compatible with any of other applications such as Android application. This cannot serve as a stand-alone application or product it needs to iPhone to be functional (Pyattaev et al., 2015). There is inherent limitations in the functionality of the product. Recommendation for the product that has been emphasized is that the company should develop a product range that is more diverse, reducing of price to meet with the competitors (Miguel, & Casado, 2016).. Pricing and the product diversification needs to be developed. Modern society is inundated with products and there are a number of competitor for the same product. In these situation it has become imperative for the companies to understand the consumer behaviour and analyse consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour has in itself become a study that is used to gauge the responses on the groups, individuals of companies understand their requirements and develop products that are useful to them (Schiffma et al., 2013).