


一个人决定什么对他或她是重要的通过口述他或她的时间。决定无处不在;比如很难做出的偶然决定。心理学中的决策艺术源自于凯撒大帝。从尤里乌斯·凯撒的日记中,我们知道凯撒并没有轻率地做出决定。他知道如果他带着自己的军队去罗马,那么他将会制造一个公敌;然后他就可以选择是死是赢。像凯撒这样的罗马贵族没有任何军队,但是他认为没有国家的支持他的生活毫无生气(seri – giacomi, 1953)。他不可能因为是土生土长的人而留在高卢,但如果他回到罗马,他会死的。这是他必须做出的选择。罗马领土最北部的边界是卢比孔河。任何人都不能越过边界,必须投降,也不应该拥有武器。显然,恺撒的军队不愿过河,但恺撒命令他的士兵们用那座小桥过河,他们不得不奋力向罗马进发。这样,凯撒不仅在拿自己的生命冒险,也在拿他的士兵冒险。凯撒攻击国家,按照凯撒这样的罗马贵族的说法,这就像打他的父亲。

最后,他做了一个决定,他决定是时候去掷骰子或“Alea hacta est”(沃尔特,1952)。当骰子开始滚动,它永远无法控制和骰子滚动和翻滚的时间。于是,他们做出了一个决定,朱利叶斯和他的手下过河前往罗马,在那里他们殴打使者,告知元老院他们的到来(提钦纳,2003)。从尤利乌斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)的《雅格塔·阿利亚》(Jacta Alia Est)中,我们可以得出,我们的生活中充满了我们所做的决定。这些决定可以是好决定,也可以是坏决定,还可以是需要直接回答“是”或“不是”的决定,或者更复杂、更复杂的决定。我们的生活需要每一个利基和角落的决定(卡尔德龙,2013)。为了考虑决策的艺术和决策制定,决策制定被定义为一个决定,决议或一个行动过程。当一个人在压力下做决定时,行动的方向是不同的。在可疑的情况下,有各种各样的机制可以做出选择或决定。这些都是在极端的决策过程中使用的。


A person decides what is important to him or her by dictating his or her time to it. Decisions are everywhere; such as contingent decisions which are difficult to make. The art of decisions in psychology is derived from Julius Caesar. From Julius Caesar’s journals, we know that Caesar did not take his decisions lightly. He knew that if he goes to Rome with his own armies then he will create a public enemy; and then he will have the choice of dying or winning. A Roman aristocrat like Julius Caesar does not possess any army but he deemed his life lifeless without supporting the state (Ser-Giacomi, 1953). He could not have stayed in Gaul by being native but he would die if he returns to Rome. Here is the choice he has to make. The northern most border of Roman Territory is River Rubicon. One must not cross the boundary and must surrender and should not have weapons as well. Obviously, Caesar’s armies were resistant in crossing the river but Caesar informed his soldiers to cross the river with the little tiny bridge and they had to fight their way to Rome. In this way, Caesar is not only risking his own life but of his soldiers as well. Caesar was attacking the state, which according to a patrician Roman like Caesar, was just like beating up his father.

In the end, he made a decision where he decided it was time to go and roll the dice or ‘Alea hacta est’ (Walter, 1952). As the dice began to roll, it can never be controlled and dice roll and tumble with time. So a decision was made and Julius and his men crossed the river towards Rome, where they beat up the messengers to inform the Senate of their arrival (Titchener, 2003). From Julius Caesar, Jacta Alia Est, we derive that our lives are full of decisions we make. These can be good or bad decisions, and decisions which require straight Yes or No or much more complicated intricate decisions. Our lives need decisions at every niche and corner (Calderon, 2013). To consider the art of decisions and decision making, decision making is defined as a determination, resolution or a course of action. When a person is taking a decision under pressure, the courses of action are different. There are various mechanisms for making choices or decisions in doubtful circumstances. These are used in extreme decision making process.