


增长型股票可以被定义为有望产生超过行业平均水平的收益的股票。通过这些公司,公司拥有竞争优势,这有助于他们赚取高于平均收入的利润。这些股票可能包括专利、制造规模或忠实客户。不过,一般成长型股票不支付股息(Bauman et al., 1998)。他们研究将利润再投资到新兴资本市场的方法。另一方面,价值型股票是一种营销理念,它是基于选择那些似乎被市场低估的股票的过程的方法(Harris et al., 1994)。如果这些公司具有较高的内在价值,那么对它们的投资可能是有益的(Miller et al., 1997)。苹果公司是计算成长型股票的最佳例子之一。2011年6月,据观察,该公司实现了5年每股收益以58.8%的速度增长。

这是一个高于行业平均水平的高增长率。在此期间,该公司甚至无需支付任何股息,预计每股收益约为25.00美元(Deepalakshmi, S.和Devarasetty, 2016)。卓越/创新的管理:苹果以其管理闻名于世。苹果公司的管理者已经成功地将四倍的成功给予了公司(Malmendier et al., 2016)。正是由于优雅的产品和周到的方法,苹果在世界上取得了成功。高利润率:苹果公司的利润率一直高于世界上大多数电脑制造公司。他们的营销策略使苹果成为股票市场上最成功的公司之一。苹果公司的利润率如此之高,以至于人们每一股的利润都在25美元左右。在2015财年,苹果的总收入约为33%,每股收益高达45%。这使得公司有了巨大的增长。


Growth stock may be defined as a stock that is expected to generate earnings which are over the average rate of the industry. Through these companies, a competitive advantage is possessed to the company which helps them to earn the profits above the average earnings. These stocks may include a patent, a manufacturing scale or loyal customers. Though, in general growth stocks do not pay dividends (Bauman et al., 1998). They work on the methodology of reinvestment of the profits into newer capital markets. Value stocks on the other hand are a marketing idea based on the approach related to the process of selection of those stocks which appears underpriced by the market (Harris et al., 1994). Investment in these companies may be beneficial in case they are having a high intrinsic value (Miller et al., 1997). One of the best examples of growth stock is Apple computed. In June, 2011, it was observed that the company has made a five year earnings per share at a growth rate of 58.8 %.

This was a high growth percentage above the average of the industry. During these times, the company didn’t have to pay even a single dividend and the projected earnings were around $25.00 per share (Deepalakshmi, S. and Devarasetty, 2016).Excellent/Innovative Management: Apple has been known for its management throughout the world. The managers at Apple have been successful in giving the fourfold success to the company (Malmendier et al., 2016). It is because of the elegant products and thoughtful approaches that Apple has proved to be successful in the world. High Profit Margins: The profit margins of apple have been higher than most of the computer making companies in the world. Their marketing strategies have made Apple one of the most successful companies in the stock markets. The profit margin of Apple is so high that on each and every share the people had earned around 25$ profit on every share. In the fiscal year 2015, the overall revenue of Apple was around 33 percent and the earnings on every share were up to 45 %. This incurred that there has been a huge growth for the company.