


英国的国别风险比大多数国家都要低。它有一个稳定的民主政府体系。经济方面,研究发现,考虑的因素包括整体经济增长率、该国GDP(即0.4%、5.4%的失业率、汇率、特定行业0.3%的通胀率)等(Kolios, & Read, 2013)。钢铁工业有很大的盈利潜力。Social(社会)指的是在一个国家所看到的社会和文化实践。人们发现,钢铁行业的员工在很多情况下都面临着健康问题。由于这一点,人们对工作条件有了普遍的了解。从技术的角度来看,它在英国拥有足够的基础设施来进行顺利的商业运作。法律因素是指国家的就业法律、贸易法规、消费者保护法律、国内需要遵守的生产协议等。政府允许一些补贴和补助金,以确保新企业没有法律纠纷。环境方面是指国家所需要的环境努力。废物处理有特定的任务;对公司来说,优化生产是必须的。时间序列预测是基于变化趋势和变量变化值的预测。它有助于预测一个响应变量,该变量是业务操作顺利进行所必需的。上图显示,英国国内钢铁产量正在下降。

政治上,政府需要找到增加钢铁产量的方法。已经提出了一些政府倡议来增加钢铁的产量。下图显示,中国进口商品已大量涌入英国市场。这导致了英国本土企业的生存问题。正因如此,预计英国国内的产品制造成本将会降低。仅2013年一年,中国就进口了7.79亿吨钢材。英国仅生产了1200万吨(Rhodes, 2015)。全球变暖正以每年0.7摄氏度的速度稳步增长。预计将会有更多的环保法规出台。更多的资源将用于新的可持续技术。从社会上看,人们注意到就业市场上的不满情绪日益增加。然而,由于5.4%的失业率,预计将有更多的工人在英国国内,以满足钢铁行业的需求。预计制造业的失业率将会上升。这可能导致英国国内出现低成本劳动力。需要促进低成本生产和创新技术的维持。从法律上讲,预计经济、失业率和环境问题将影响到2022年之前的趋势。


Country risk of UK is relatively lower than most countries. It has a stable democratic governmental system. Economically it has been found that the overall economy growth rate, GDP of the country i.e. 0.4%, 5.4% unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation rate of 0.3% of the particular sector etc. are the factors considered (Kolios, & Read, 2013). Steel industry has a lot of potential for profits. Social refers to the social and cultural practices that are seen in the country. It has been found that steel industry employee face health issues in many cases. Owing to this people have a general apprehension towards the working conditions. From a technological standpoint it has adequate infrastructure in UK for conducting smooth business operation. Legal factors refer to the employment laws, trade regulations of the country, consumer protection laws, manufacturing protocols that need to be adhered within the country. Government allows a number of subsidies, grants to ensure that there are no legal hassles for new businesses. Environmental aspects refer to the environmental efforts that are required by the country. There are specific mandates for waste disposal; optimizing productions are mandatory for companies. Time Series forecasting is prediction that is based on the trends in variation and the value of variation in the variable. It helps predict a response variable that is required for the smooth flow of the business operations. Graph above shows domestic steel production is becoming lesser within the UK.

Politically the government needs to find ways to increase production of steel. A number of governmental initiatives have been proposed to increase the production of steel. The graph below shows that Chinese imports have flooded the UK markets. This has lead to issues of sustenance for indigenous UK companies. Owing to this it is expected that there should be cheaper manufacturing of products within UK. For the year 2013 alone, 779 Million tonnes of steel were imported from China. UK produced only 12 Million tonnes (Rhodes, 2015). Global warming has been steadily increasing at the rate of 0.7 Celsius per year. It is expected that there will be more environmental rules and regulation for the same. More resources will be allocated for new sustainable technology. Socially it has been observed that there is growing discontent that is observed in the job markets. However, owing to 5.4% unemployment rate, it is expected that there will be more workers available within UK to meet the Steel Industry demands. It is expected that this unemployment rate number will grow in the manufacturing sector. This can lead to low-cost labour within UK. Low cost production and innovative technology need to be facilitated to sustain.Legally it is expected that economy, unemployment rate, environmental concerns will impact the trends till the year 2022.