


A low viscosity resin and the use of intact dentin bond structural system give thick coat of layer. However, this is not the requirement for ideal formation of crown as it may deform by the coat of resin. I.e. it should be thin enough to not allow any kind of deformation. The thin coat of layer typically has the thickness below 10 microns on the surface of dentin, best suited for the coat materials in the preparation of crown. Thus the combination of flow able resin composite and the dentin bond system would give the more reliable result.
The thin filled layer of coat provides very high bond strength. Presently, researchers are trying new ways to increase the tensile bond strength of the resin cement. A research is done in Japan recently based on increasing the bond strength of the resin cement through dual use of all-in-one adhesive structure. In this experimental study, dual material is used to enhance properties of the material.Dual use means two polymer resin cement link Max and Bistite ii. The mixture of these two resin helps to bond the indirect resin. After settling this mixture for 24 hours, the bond strength of the material is measured. Researcher analyses the bond interface via electron microscope which is found to be higher than that of the single material resin coat of polymer. The research panel concluded their experimental study on a note that double application in one adhesive structural system would give high yield strength and the overall strength of the resin would massively increase.

On the other hand, research is going on using different kind of material applications except the use of resin coating, materials like G-Cem provide high bond strength as well. This is due to the chemical composition of G-Cem, i.e. combination of 2 monomers; 4 META and phosphoric acid. These constituent provides very high bond adhesion comparable to the resin coating. G-cem has low tensile strength and very resilient adhesion properties, which add up durability. The use of resin coating is still justified as it provides high bond strength like the G-Cem. Both methods of indirect restoration are bounded with their own expected properties and results. So it is not right toreject any of these two materials without analysing their constructive properties. The researchers give their verdict on these materials for the indirect mode of dental restoration as, resin cement is best suited when it comes to durability of bond and coating technique of resins is best when it comes to high quality care of dentin. These results are based on null hypothesis, i.e. all clinical techniques are not taken into account while making the specimen. This directs to somewhat ideal proposition.The main point to consider is that resin cement or other kind of resin has to perform a role of sealing mechanism and proper bonding. Some of the research was carried out about the self -bonding agent resin that they have less bond strength value than those of the customary cement resins. (DeMunck J, 2004).

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