


本文采用基于案例研究的定性研究方法。Creswell(2003)认为,定性研究在其探索性的立场是有用的,特别是在这种情况下,研究可能没有意识到“重要的变量检查”(Creswell 2003, p.22)。如果一个主题是新的,并且在此之前从未被讨论过,那么探索性的研究风格将是有用的。当研究的目的是分析和寻找可用于其他目的的见解时,例如用于RMIT的案例研究的见解,它也很有用。这里使用的定性研究方法在意义上是探索性的,试图更全面地理解如何在课程中使用Arduino和Raspberry进行嵌入式系统学习。更具体地说,可以为RMIT提出的建议形式是研究的重点。
这里使用的是案例研究方法风格的研究。在案例研究风格的研究背景下,研究“深入探索一个项目,一个事件,一个活动,一个过程,或一个或多个个人。案例受时间和活动的限制,研究人员在持续一段时间内使用各种数据收集程序收集详细信息”(Creswell 2003, p.15)。数据收集主要来自于现有的研究研究,以及覆盆子派网站。之所以选择美国和英国这样的国家,是因为这里有更恰当地表示树莓派和Arduino使用方式的数据。这些数据也来自这些国家的可靠来源。在研究讨论中,本文介绍了K12学校和大学对raspberry pi和Arduino的四种不同实现。


A case study based qualitative research methodology is used here. Creswell (2003) argues that qualitative research in its exploratory stance is useful especially in that situation where the research may not be aware of“the important variables to examine” (Creswell 2003, p.22). Where a topic is new and where the topic has never been addressed before then the exploratory style of research would be useful. It is also useful when the intention of research is to analyse and search for insights to be used for another purpose, such as insights from case studies for use in RMIT. The qualitative style of research methods as used here is in sense exploratory and attempts to understand in a more comprehensive way how embedded system learning using Arduino and Raspberry is being made use of in the curriculums. More specifically the form of recommendations that could be made for RMIT is the research focus.
A case study methodology style of research is used here. In the context of case study style of research, the research “explores in depth a program, an event, an activity, a process, or one or more individuals. The case(s) are bounded by time and activity, and researchers collect detailed information using a variety of data collection procedures over a sustained period of time” (Creswell 2003, p.15). Data collection was mainly from existing research studies, and also the Raspberry Pi site. Countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom were selected because there is more properly represented data on how the raspberry Pi and the Arduino is used here. The data is also from reliable sources from these countries. Four different implementations of raspberry pi and Arduino in K12 schools and in Universities are presented here in research discussions.