


另一个观点是Jeynes在他的研究(Jeynes 237 – 269)中提供的父母在小学生学习成绩中的角色和参与。结果显示,家长参与学生上学对学生的学业成就有积极的影响。结果还表明,父母的参与对学生的成绩和成绩有显着的影响。这是一个正在被调查和研究的观点,但是在父母双方工作的情况下,全心全意参与孩子的发展变得困难。如果标准化考试可能不能有效地帮助学生学习和获得知识,那么家长参与也是支持学生表现的一个附加优势。家长的存在倾向于给学生更多的信心面对考试,有时候急需的动机可能来自家长而不是老师。埃克尔斯和哈罗德(Eccles and Harold,568 – 587)也同意这个想法。

许多社会科学家曾经争辩说,父母对城市小学的参与以及由于父母双亲工作家庭,高家庭溶解率以及一些独特的社会学压力等因素而日益受到重视(Crane 305 – 314; Green et.al 3 – 13)。这是正确的,因为在今天的经济世界过度竞争的时期,家长忙于管理事业,他们可能很难甚至不可能在家里花时间与他们在一起,更不用说在学校。


Another view is of parents’ role and participation in elementary students’ academic performance provided by Jeynes in his research (Jeynes 237 – 269). The results showed that parents’ participation in students schooling does have a positive effect on students’ academic career and achievement. The results also showed that parents’ involvement has a significant effect on students’ of racial minority in their grades and performance. This is a view which is being surveyed and researched, but in case of both parent working, it becomes difficult to participate whole heartedly in their child’s development. Parental involvement is also an added advantage in supporting the student’s performance when standardized tests may not be very effective in equipping the student to learn and gain knowledge. Parental presence tends to give more confidence to the student in facing the tests, and sometimes the much needed motivation may come from the parent instead of the teacher. This particular thought is also agreed by Eccles and Harold (Eccles and Harold 568 – 587).

Many social scientists have argued about the parental involvement in urban elementary schools and its increasing importance due to factors like two parent working families, high family dissolution rates, and some unique sociological pressures on children (Crane 305 – 314; Green et.al 3 – 13). This is correct because in today’s period of excessive competition in the economic world where parents are busy with steering their career, it may be difficult or even not possible for them to spend time with them at home, let alone at the school.