


政府需要制定一个既定的行为准则,以确保人们的隐私和安全得到维护(Pearson 8)。在当今世界,应该有一定程度的透明度和对隐私的尊重。立法应立足于影响社会的事件。在当今时代,无数的威胁已经爆发。政府在确保隐私的同时,也承受着为人民提供安全保障的压力(皮尔森9)。像苹果这样的公司拒绝透露信息将导致司法审判的延迟。苹果应遵守政府,并为政府提供合理的协助。政府和个别公司应携手合作,确保个人的详细保安资料和个人资料得到保障。只有出于安全的目的,政府才应该调查个人信息。所有利益相关者都应努力确保安全和保护隐私。需要保持一种微妙的平衡(皮尔逊11)。人们应该同情政府,而政府也不应该滥用他们的位置。需要建立信任。


An established code of conduct needs to be prescribed by the government to ensure that the privacy and security of the people are maintained (Pearson 8). There should be a certain level of transparency and respect for privacy that is required in the current world. Legislations should be based on the events impacting the society. In the current times, numerous threats have erupted. Governments are under pressure to provide security for the people while ensuring privacy (Pearson 9). Corporations like Apple refusing to divulge information would lead to delayed justice being rendered. Apple should comply with the government and provide the government with reasonable assistance.Government and individual corporations should work in cohorts to ensure that security detailing and private information of individuals are made secure. Only for the purpose of security, government should probe into individual information. Efforts should be taken by all the stakeholders to ensure security and also protect the privacy. There is a delicate balance that needs to be maintained (Pearson 11). People should be empathetic towards the government and the government in turn should not misuse their position. A trust needs to be established.
Hence in exigent circumstances, according to the government, Apple should divulge information and work as an accomplice to the government.Debates and arguments regarding privacy and security have been becoming severe in the current times. Case of Apple versus federal government is a manifestation of this basic argument. It is understood that there are serious threats in the society. In this process, innocent people rights get trampled. Governmental security measures get impeded in this process of protecting privacy. In exigent circumstances, it becomes difficult to provide security for all people owing to excessive privacy protocols. If privacy or security is compromised, individual innocent members of the society gets affected. To conclude, all the stakeholders should work in cohorts to ensure that there is a harmony in the society. Trust needs to be established between the people and the government to ensure that there is a balance between privacy and security. Hence Apple should provide reasonable technical assistance to the federal government to ensure that miscreants are found. Government should in turn not trample on individual rights in the name of security.
