


要对加拿大的中等教育水平进行批判性分析,最好看看教育部。1989年,大量的课堂活动遵循媒介理论。这对于那些对教学媒体缺乏知识和信心的老师来说是一个福音。受众在媒体中协商意义(Semali, 2017)。人们通过媒体进行关于性别、种族、年龄、阶级和其他方面的互动。加拿大的媒体具有政治和社会意义。通过媒体教育,提高人们对各种社会和政治因素的认识。家庭生活的变化,闲暇时间的花费和政客们的电视竞选就是三个这样的例子(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。

《受众工作》给出了媒体如何对受众工作以及媒体在谈论什么(Fang et al., 2014)的概念。要了解青年文化的动态,就必须了解受众。在今天,许多社会和文化问题被讨论在学校,他们是非常重要的。当问题被强调时,对受众文化和种族的调查有助于理解为什么一个人被定位在回应媒体文本。通过媒体文本,观众可以了解他人对社会复杂性的反应。

新的通信技术的出现使许多传统的教育者落后于学校里的计算机和技术。许多教育家和技术官僚正在求助于旧的思维模式,并将其转化为新的可能性。媒体的关键概念与数字技术密切相关(Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999)。新的教育工作者应该意识到他们关于所有权和控制问题的特殊代码和语法。教育工作者、研究人员和理论家仍有许多问题有待解决。

To draw a critical analysis of median education in Canada, it would be better to look at the Ontarion Ministry of Education. In 1989, a large number of classroom activities followed a media theory. It was a boon for teachers with limited knowledge and confidence in teaching media. Audiences negotiate the meaning in media (Semali, 2017). People interact through media regarding gender, race, age, class and others. Media in Canada has political and social implications. Through media education, the awareness of people increases on various social and political factors. The change in family life, the spending of leisure time and the television campaigns by the politicians are three such examples (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999).

Working on audience gives the idea how the media is working on audience and what the media is talking about (Fang et al., 2014). To understand the dynamics of youth culture, it is important to understand the audience. In present day, many social and cultural issues are discussed in schools and they are of great importance. When issues are highlighted, the survey of culture and race in audiences helps understand why one is positioned in responding to media texts. Audience through media texts helps to know other people’s responses for recognising social complexities.

The emergence of new communication technology has left behind many traditional educators behind the computer and technology in schools. Many educators and technocrats are resorting to old paradigms of thinking and converting them into new possibilities. Key concepts of media are deeply related and relevant to the digital technologies (Andersen, Duncan & Pungente, 1999). The new educators should be conscious regarding their special codes and grammar about problems of ownership and control. Educators, researchers and theorists have to resolve many issues still.



