


划体系的基本目标是促进经济、环境和社会福利这有助于满足未来的需要和当前一代。任何规划系统都有自己的成本和收益,因此这样做不可避免地涉及到权衡。这是一个至关重要的决定公众和决策者,现行制度涉及到成本,可以避免的改革。作为首要任务,新的政府支持企业和可持续增长之间形成平衡的所有行业和地区。这是完美的条件,商业投资和私营企业(Hilber & Vermoulen,2011)。整体商业环境的吸引力在英国,一个运转良好的规划和广泛的吸引力的批准是至关重要的。政府为当地社区提供了更多的机会,创造一个有利于可持续发展的法律推定为了确定的形状,他们住的地方。


The pattern, level and location of the activity are influenced by the rules and guidelines set by the planning system. The basic goal of the English planning system is the promotion of economic, environmental and social welfare which helps to meet the needs of the future and current generation. Any planning system has its own costs and benefits, hence doing so inevitably involves trade-offs. It is a crucial decision for the public and the policymakers that the present system involves costs that could be avoided by the reforms.  As one of the top priorities, the new government has made supporting sustainable enterprise and growth which creates a balance amongst all the industries and regions. This involves making perfect conditions for the business investment and private enterprise (Hilber & Vermoulen, 2011). For the overall attractiveness of the business environment in the UK, a well functioning planning and wider consents is crucial for the attractiveness. The government provides more opportunities for the local communities and creates a presumption in favour of sustainable development in order to determine the place’s shape where they live.